Get Me Out of Here!

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"You bastard! Get me out of here, now!"

The Jesse in the mirror yelled. The other Jesse's eyes began glowing red as he smirked at the stuck Jesse.

"Hmm, now now, don't wanna break the mirror, no? Then you'd never be able to get out. Not that it's doing you any justice now, haha!"

The real Jesse stopped pounding on the glass, he wanted to get out so the glass didn't need to break. Dark Jesse grinned evily at his prisoner as he paced around in the small space.

"Then why haven't you broke the mirror? Are you going to let me out at some point?"

Jesse asked.

"Oh, in due time, Ridgway. In due time. You'll know when your end is near, but first, I'm gonna have a little fun in this disgusting body of yours."

"No! Don't do anything to my body, leave it alo-"

"Oh save it! I've already done some damage to it!"

Dark Jesse said cutting Jesse off. Dark had a plan already made up and was already in action.

"...Don't you dare hurt Parker..."

Jesse demanded giving Dark a death stare. Jesse would never forgive anyone that hurt his best friend.

"Do whatever the fuck you want to my body, fine, but don't you dare hurt my fucking family! They're everything I have and Parker means everything to me!"

"Hmm, interesting... So, you love this boy, yes? Hehe, perfect!"

Dark smirked again.

"Listen Ridgway, I've already had your body consume a shit ton of alcohol and boy, did your body pay for it."

"You drank in my body?! I don't drink!"

"You do now you useless fuck!!"

He yelled and grinned maniacally. Jesse shook his head slowly in disgust at Dark. Unfortunately, that wasn't gonna do anything. He was worried about Parker and his family more than anything and could do nothing about it as far as he knew. Jesse stared at his dark self through the mirror.

"What do you want from me?! Who even are you?!"

"As far as everyone you know is concerned, I'm you. But to you, just call me Dark. You're a piece of shit Jesse Ridgway! I've been in the back of your mind for years watching you screw up everything. I was finally able to take very little control over you so I could make you snap one last time so I could take over this gross body of yours. So now, I'm gonna do what should've been done a long time ago."

Jesse squinted at Dark.

"Which is what?"

He asked with his teeth gritted.

"Well, we wouldn't wanna ruin the surprise, now would we? Hmm... Boy, this is fun! Hate to cut this little meeting short, but I have things to do, or should I say you have things to do?"

Dark laughed maniacally as he took the mirror off the wall. He set it down in the floor and turned it around. He headed back upstairs as he checked his phone to see a text from Parker.

Parker: Hey man, what's up?
Jesse: Nothing man, I need you to come over.
Parker: Is everything okay?
Jesse: No questions, just do it!
Parker: Ok ok. Omw.
I headed over to Jesse's house as fast as I could without getting pulled over, I was worried about him and he's been acting so weird. He's just not himself. I got there and I got out of my car pretty quick and ran straight to Jesse's room to make sure he was okay. I stopped in my tracks as I remembered that he was mad the last time I came in his room without knocking. I knocked on his door and waited for him to respond.

"Come in."

"Hey buddy."


I frowned as I saw that he was packing up as if he was leaving to go somewhere.

"Why are you... Packing?"

I asked trying to keep my tears from falling. I didn't want him to leave, not without me at least.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I'm going to be in LA for a few days and I leave tomorrow at 12. So, you'll be off the clock for a few days."

My heart sank at the news.

"How long is a few?"

"I don't know, 3-4 days. Why?"


I stuttered out. I rubbed the back of my neck and continued to hold my tears back. I'm not gonna be okay for the next few days. Maybe if I ask him to let me go too...

"J- Jesse... Can I come with you?"

"Sorry dude, I'm going alone this time."

He patted my shoulder as he put his packed bag in his computer chair. I finally couldn't hold the damn tears back anymore so I let them fall down my face. I stared at the ground as my back faced Jesse so he couldn't see me being a big baby. I took one sniff, then I felt a hand on my back.

"Parker, what's wrong man?"

I shook my head slowly not wanting to answer truthfully.

"Parker, tell me dude."

"I... I just don't want you to leave, okay?"

"Uhmm, why?"

The fuck dude, what does he mean 'why'? He knows I get separation anxiety from him. He should know anyway.

"You know I get separation anxiety from you Jesse..."

"O-oh, yeah! Right, you do get those, don't you."
Dark didn't know how to react to Parker's emotions, and in all honesty, he really didn't give a single fuck. He mentally rolled his eyes at Parker's crying. He did his best to act like the real Jesse, but was failing. 'How fucking pathetic. Crying over Ridgway? Who in their right mind...' Dark thought to himself.

"Parker, I'll text you as much as I can okay?"


Dark rolled his eyes mentally again.

"Ye-yeah, I promise dude."

Parker hugged Dark, or 'Jesse' as far as he knows. He kissed him on the cheek as he walked out of the room and headed back out to his car to go home.

"Finally. Is Ridgway dating him? As much as I hate to, I'm gonna have to act more like that little shit. Great, guess I should practice my kissing."

Well, I'm using "Dark" for now, but that's not his actual name. We don't know what it is yet. You can see I'm kinda trying to make this not an exact copy of the Snapper Series, but it's kinda got the same plot? Hope yall enjoyed!

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