Big News

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"Wanna marry me dude?!"

This is why I was so excited to come to Vidcon with Jesse, because I knew I was gonna purpose to him!

"Hell yeah dude!!"

Jesse yelled into the mic excitedly as he tackled me to the ground and kissed me. It felt like we were the only two in the whole convention center, but I knew the Juggies were screaming with excitement in the crowd. I wish I could've waited for Jesse's parents and brother to do it, but I was just too excited.

"Is this why you were flailing around like a dork earlier?"

Jes asked as we pulled apart.


I said smiling. We both stood back up, interlocking our fingers together.

"I love you Jesse."

I said into the mic.

"I love you too Parker."

He responded into his mic too.

"And I love every single one of you Juggies!! Thank you all for all the subs, and enjoying my content even when the Psycho Series ended!"

Jesse said into the mic again. Everyone was screaming with joy as Jes and I walked off stage. Of course, before we walked back, Jesse had to say one more thing.

"I love you Juggies to death and don't forget, to keep it RiDGiD!!"

All the Juggies screamed again as he came back stage. We handed the microphones back to the staff and started to walk back to the hotel. Jes couldn't stop smiling, and neither could I. I was so over joyed from the Juggies and at the fact Jesse said yes! I put my arm around his shoulder as we walked back.
I had no idea that Parker was planning to purpose to me! No wonder why he was flailing around earlier! The ring he presented to me was a silver band with eagles printed around it. I loved it and it fit perfectly.

"I'm never taking this ring off."

I told Parker.

"Same here babe."

He assured me. I saw my parents and brother walking toward us as they waved at us. We both waved back and ran up to them to show off my ring that my fiancé purposed to me with.

"Mom, dad, Jeffrey! Look what Parker did!"

I exclaimed as I showed them my ring. I was hoping that he already told my dad about him purposing, because he does have a temper.

"Oh, wow Jes! That's a very nice ring."

My mom said.

"I was gonna wait for you guys, but I was just so excited and there was a huge ass crowd. I wanted to do it when most of the Juggies were there."

Parker explained to my brother and parents.

"That's understandable. Congratulations you two. I'm happy for ya."

"Thanks dad. What about you man?"

I asked my brother.

"I'm happy for you two. I was waiting for him to purpose to you, or you purpose to him. Makes sense that Parker purposed though, since you're short. It'd look weird if the shorter partner asked."

"Fuck you dude."

I joked with Jeffrey.

"It's okay baby, I like that you're short."

Parker told me as he kissed me on the head.

"Y'all gonna go walk around Vidcon now?"

I asked my family.

"Yeah, what about you two?"

"We're probably gonna go get something to eat. Might see you guys back at the hotel."

I told my mom. She nodded in agreement.
Parker and I were back at the hotel and were laying in bed, just watching tv together. I couldn't stop looking at my ring, and I smiled every time I did.



I sat up and muted the tv. I grabbed both of his hands to let him know that I was getting serious.

"Park, I want you to know that you are everything to me, and I love you so much. I wish I could show you how much I love you, because words and actions really can't describe how much I fucking in love I am with you."

I began my sappy gay love lecture.


"Not done... The fact that you still stuck around when Isaac was here amazes me and just... I can't describe it, but you are a true friend for that baby. When we were both sick as fuck, we took care of each other. Though, I think you mostly took care of me. We've just been through so much in general. I'd rather have gone through all that with you than anyone else. Thank you for everything Parker. You're my best friend, and my soul mate forever. I can't wait to marry you Parker Zippel."

I saw the tears in Park's eyes when I finished my speech and I couldn't help but get teary eyed too. He started really crying and hid his face in his knees. I rubbed the back of his neck for comfort.

"Jesse... I love you so much too. You mean the universe to me and I don't know what I'd do without you babe."
Jesse's gay speech was so sweet and so amazing, I couldn't help but cry. Now it was my turn.

"I will always be here for you and will forever fucking love you Jesse Ridgway. You're the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm never gonna let you go baby."

I finished my 'speech' and pulled my fiancé into a hug and our lips met. He is the best thing in the world to me.
No one
Jesse and Parker continued hugging and kissing in the room as they spilled their hearts out to each other. After everything they both have been through, they still and will always love each other. Now that Jesse and and Parker knew what they were dealing with, with the Isaac situation, they were ready for anything, and they would go through it together.


I wanna start another Jarker fanfic, but I've got to finish my Starco one first guys XD
I'll make another one though cause Jesse has been giving me good ideas in his streams lol.

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