Bottoms Up

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Reader POV
Jesse was still asleep at 1pm and couldn't be bothered to wake up at all. His older brother knocked on his door but didn't get a response.


He knocked again. He opened his door and saw his little brother was still asleep. Not for long though.

"This will be fun."

He mumbled to himself. He went to his computer and grabbed his camera to record what he was about to do. He turned it on and started filming.

"Hey little bruddas, Big brudda here, so Jesse is still asleep and it's 1 in the afternoon. He's usually up by now, but I'm gonna take advantage of this moment."

He grabbed an air horn and walked back to the younger brother's room quietly. He was close enough now and put the air horn right at his ear and held the button down, making a deafening sound that woke Jesse up.

"Ahh! What the fuck dude?!?!"

"Haha! Time to wake up!"

Jeffery laughed at his little brother's reaction as he continued filming.

"Really, you're gonna fucking film this?!"

Jesse yelled.

"Yeah, that's why I fucking did it! It's 1 in the afternoon, get up."

"Get the fuck out of my fucking room!"

Jeffery did as told and went back to his computer to upload the video to YouTube.

"Shut the fuc- Ugh!!"

Jesse started to yell but cut himself off as he shut his door himself. He rubbed his eyes trying to wake up as he got dressed. He decided to wear a pair of cargo shorts, a Juggies t- shirt and his red Ridgid zip up hoodie. Before he put his shoes on, he checked his phone and saw he had a good bit of Twitter notifications. He went ahead and texted Parker to come over so they could film today.

Jesse: come over bitch.

Parker: rude, omw😘

Jesse: hurry up.

I got a text from Jesse telling me to come over. I'd been waiting all day for him to text and when he did I smiled. I put my shoes on and my keys and headed over to his house to film. I hope he wasn't in a weird mood again.
I got over there and saw Jesse out at the pool. I walked over there and hugged him and gave him a peck on the cheek. He seemed a bit weirded out, he usually hugs back.

"Dude... No."

"What, we always hug and I give you kisses all the time man."

"I'm just... Not today, okay?"


Welp, he's still in that weird mood. I sat down in the lounge chair next to him as he stared at the water. I wanted to know what was going through his head.

"So, we filming today?"

I asked him to break the silence.

"Sure, I'll uhhh... I'll go get the camera. Be right back, just stay here man."


I tilted my head as I watched him walk towards the back door to go in.
Jesse went inside to go get his camera for Parker. When he walked out of his  room, he saw a beer opened on the kitchen counter that his dad was drinking. He stopped in his tracks and just stared at it. After snapping himself back to reality, he decided to make his way to the basement. He got down the steps and walked into the room where the fridge was and opened the door revealing numerous bottles of beer. He took one out and looked at it. He hadn't had one since before the Psycho Series.

He took the cap off the bottle and took a small sip. It had a bitter taste to him but it was still manageable, so he started chugging the beer.
"He's been gone for a long ass time." I said to myself. I looked at my phone and seen he had been gone for about 15 minutes. I looked back at the door and seen Jesse come back out, finally.

"Dude, where were you?"

I asked him. I took the camera from him and noticed he was walking weird, like he was gonna pass out. He sat down slowly and put his face in his hands.


He slowly put his hand over his stomach like he was gonna be sick.

"Jesse, you look like you're gonna be sick man."

"Yeah, no shit dude."

He snapped at me. Fucking smartass...

"Why were you inside so long?"

"None of your business."

"Dude, just tell me! You're scaring me."

"Fucking christ, I was using the fucking bathroom Park! Did you want an invitation?!"

He asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at his smartass remark and rubbed his back to calm him down.

"Maybe you should just go rest, we can film tomorrow man."

"I'm fine Parker."
The next morning, Jesse woke up with a hang over from drinking more last night. What a great idea, idiot. He turned on his back and put his arm over his eyes in pain. His head was pounding and the smallest sound could make it worse. He was glad Jeffery had to work today in that case. He got up and headed to the bathroom to be sick, and he needed to get it all out before Parker got there.

After he finished, he went down to the basement and decided to go in the Psycho room. There hung the same mirror that was there last time. He stared at himself in the mirror, but then...

Enjoy the cliff hanger c:

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