The Consequences of Isaac

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I spent the night over as Jesse's since he wasn't feeling good at all. His stomach was going crazy and he felt like he had a fever.

"My stupid ass just had to snap... Now I'm paying for it."

Jesse said as I cuddled him in his bed.

"Babe, you know that was Isaac that snapped, not you. Also, we need to let your family know that you're back."

"Oh, shit I forgot. Alright, let's go."

Jesse got up slowly and opened his door to go tell his family. I followed him to make sure none of them tried anything to him. We went to his brother's room first.

"Hey Jeffrey..."

Jesse said to him as he walked in.

"The hell do you want Isaac? I see you brought Parker back finally."

I shook my head at JT.

"JT, this is Jesse. I got Isaac to double snap in the mirror in the basement."

I told him.

"Then why does he still look like Isaac?"

"The changes he made to Jesse's body are permanent. Well, kinda. Jesse can easily grow his blonde hair back out, he can let the ear piercings close up."

"Don't suggest tattoo removal, I'm not doing all that."

Jesse said laughing. JT stared at Jesse who was leaned up against the door frame in pain.

"Jesse, I've missed you bro."

Awww, I love when they get along. JT came and hugged his little brother and kissed his hair brotherly.

"I missed you too Jeffrey."

"Do mom and dad know you're back?"

"No, wanted to tell you first..."

Jesse told him as he bent over in more pain. I rubbed his back with one hand and made sure he didn't fall with the other.

"Whoa, Jess, are you okay?"

"Agh... No..."

"He's sick and hurting because of Isaac. When Isaac consumed all that alcohol and the cocaine, he destroyed his body."

I spoke. Then Jesse spoke too.

"Plus, this is what happens after going through all the dimensions. Isaac is sick now too since he had to do the same thing."

"Okay, maybe you need to go to the hospital?"

JT suggested.

"Yeah, and how am I gonna explain this whole thing to them?"



JT yelled for their parents to come help, hopefully they won't freak out and jump to conclusions. His parents came running in as Jesse collapsed to the floor clutching on to his stomach.


I yelled in worry. He was wincing at the pain as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it hard.

"What is going on?!"

Mrs. Ridgway asked.

"This is Jesse. I was able to get Isaac to snap back and go home. Isaac messed with Jesse's body, plus Jesse said you apparently get sick when you go through all those dimensions."

I explained in tears. His mom and dad seemed to believe me thankfully.

"Jess!! Jess wake up!"

Mrs. Ridgway yelled at him.

"He is awake mom!"

"Babe! Do you not know how to make this stop?"

He shook his head as he coughed. I started thinking if maybe Dr. Snap knew. I took out my phone and called him up and explained everything. Next thing I knew, he was here.

"Please, everyone step back."

He commanded. I ignored him because I didn't wanna let go of Jesse's hand. I cried into the crook of his neck and I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

"Parker, I know you don't want to see Jesse in pain. That's why I need you to let go of him for just a few minutes to let me help him."

I couldn't get out any words to respond, so I just nodded amd scooted back.

"Now, I am able to help but, he will still be in some pain for a little while. They will only be as if he has the Flu though."

We all nodded. The wizard put his hand on my boyfriend's shoulder and a purple aura surrounded them, it almost looked the same when Isaac had snapped back. After a little less than a minute, the aura was gone.

"Jesse, Jesse. How are you feeling now?"

The wizard asked him. Jesse rolled on his back with hid eyes still closed.

"Still like shit, but not as bad..."

He sounded pretty weak still.

"That's normal. You will feel like you have the flu for about a day or two. I want you to rest and do not dare snap."

Snap said.

"I'll make sure he doesn't. All of us will."

I spoke up as I scooted back over to my boy.

"Parker, I want you stay by Jesse's side, please do not let him do anything stupid."

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Mr. and Mrs. Ridgway, is it okay if I stay a few nights here?"

"Of course Parker."

Mr. Ridgway answered. I tried to kinda massage Jesse's stomach to see if that would help him at all, but it didn't seem to do any good.

"Baby, come on. You need to go get in the bed."

I told Jess as I helped him up.
My body was so sore and I felt weak as fuck. I was so glad to have Parker here to help me through all of this. We got to my bedroom and he sat me on the bed and turned the tv to Breaking Bad. He got down in front of me and held both of my hands.

"What all hurts babe?"

He asked me.

"My whole body. I feel super weak and my stomach is just churning."

"Yeah, I can hear it haha."

Park said. I gave a lazy smile and put my hand back on my stomach. He stood up and pulled my head in for a hug.

"You cute little short stack."

"Pfft, I'll bet my dick is longer than your short little bean."

I replied.

"Hmm, maybe when you're feeling better. Then, we can test them out on each other."

He told me as he rubbed his hand under my chin teasing me.

"Aah.... Hehe..."

Wow, I'm even horny when I'm sick. He crawled behind me into bed as he took his shirt off. He grabbed my shoulders and slowly pulled me to lay on my back.


I stuttered out.

"Haha, what's wrong baby?"

"N- nothing... I just... I love you so much..."

He leaned down and put my forehead on his. I felt fluttering in my stomach because of him.

"I love you too Jesse. More than anything. But you need to get some sleep."

I nodded in agreement as I stood up to take my shirt off too. I laid down and faced him and I kissed his soft lips goodnight.

Wow, I just realized that in the last section it was supposed to be Jesse's pov but I typed it out as if it was Parker's. ADD, why? I fixed it though. SOMEONE COULD'VE TOLD ME BTW!!

Even longer. Yay.
I hate anxiety guys...

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