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"Jesse, please wake up..."

I could barely get any words out, I was in so much pain and I felt so sick. I buried my face into Jesse's back, hoping that'd wake him up. I finally heard him start to wake up.


"Hm? Park, what's wrong?"

He asked as he turned over to face me.

"Jesse, I think I need to go to the hospital..."

I winced and hissed at the pain.

"Is it your stomach still?"

"No Jesse, I'm just laying here clutching on to it and crying cause my leg hurts!"

I snapped sarcastically at him.

"Fucking chill babe."

"I'm sorry..."

"Can you stand up?"

I shook my head no. There was no way I was able to even un ball myself or take my hands off my stomach.

"Okay, I'm gonna call 911, okay?"

I nodded my head as Jesse sat back down on the bed. He called an ambulance and was explaining to them what was wrong.

"Parker, move your hands real quick. They want me to feel your belly real fast."

I gritted my teeth and slowly moved my hands away so he could do what the paramedics said.

"Dude, you have a huge knot on your stomach."

I looked at Jesse and seen tears gathering in his eyes.
We got to the hospital, but the doctors had me wait for my boyfriend out in the waiting room. I texted my brother and he came to wait with me.

"Hey, you okay little bro?"

I shook my head no. Jeffrey rubbed my back, but I felt like I was gonna be sick again.

"I just hope Parker is okay. I'm nauseous as fuck cause I'm scared for him."
They finally let my me and Jeffrey go and see Parker. We got to his room and saw he had oxygen tubes up his nose. I walked over to him and kissed his forehead while he slept. I was curious to know what was wrong with him and how he was gonna get treatment.


I heard Park say.

"Hey Parker... You okay?"

He shrugged. I noticed that he had a tube going under his hospital gown and looked to see what it was. Luckily his stuff was covered up so none of that was exposed. The tube was leading into his stomach.

"Babe, what's the tube here for?"

I asked him.

"I don't even know, I was about passed out when they were hooking me up to everything. I did hear them say something about a tumor though."

My eyes widened.

"What?! Parker yo-"

"Shh, Jesse it's fine. I promise I'm okay babe."

He said to me as he pulled me onto the bed with him. I started bawling into his chest, and I felt Jeffrey rubbing my back too. My stomach tightened up.

"Jess... Calm down man."

Park said again. I looked up and had seen the doctor had came in.

"Hello Mr. Zippel, we just got your test results back and checked your MRI scan, and unfortunately, you do have a small tumor in your stomach. We will need to perform surgery to remove it, but it's gonna be hard to fit you in right now. It will be about a month before we can schedule you in."

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