Stomach Pains

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"Yeah, sure. What's up?"

JT asked. I sat on one of the bar stools while clutching my stomach.

"Okay, I don't want Jess to know this, but dude, I've been having a really sharp pain going throughout my fucking stomach and it's been cramping too. I have no idea why either."

I explained to him.

"Damn, and how long have you been having the pain?"

"They started out small a like a week or two ago, but I got a huge shock of pain go through last night when I was helping Jesse. The cramping is constant. Cramping right now actually."

I put my hands on my stomach and pushed on it a bit to ease the cramping, but it didn't seem to work either.

"Ouch. So, Jesse can't know this because...???"

"Because, he's already having stomach pain too and I want him to worry about getting himself better, not me. He is my priority right now and he needs to be his own too. I don't want him focusing on me."

I told him. He nodded his head in agreement.

"You're really a good boyfriend to my brother Park. I'm glad you both found each other."

I blushed and smiled at the compliment. My heart fluttered.

"And I won't tell Jesse, but if your pain gets worse you should go to the doctor dude."

I nodded.

"I am."

I heard the basement door open and saw Jesse come up. What the fuck was he doing down there? The last time he was down there, he snapped into Isaac.

"Babe? What were you doing down there?"

I asked him.

"I'll tell you later..."

He responded and went to his room.

"The fuck?"

JT spoke up. I went to the room and I sat next to him on the edge of his bed while laid there and stared at the tv.

"Tummy still bothering you babe??"

He nodded his head yes lazily. I ran my fingers through his black hair and rubbed the back of his neck.

"When are you gonna get a haircut and dye your hair back babe?"

I asked him, breaking the silence.

"Probably when I feel better. If I do."

"Don't say "if." That worries me."

I was worried that he was already getting depressed from all the pain he was in. He was paying too much attention to the tv and not me, and that doesn't fly with me. I grabbed the remote and put it on mute and kneeled down and got in his face.

"Babe, the fuck?"

He complained.

"Hush, I want attention from you. Tv can wait but this gay boy can't."

I jumped over Jess and laid next to him on the other side of the bed and started kissing his face.

"You need. To get. Betteeeeeerrrrr."

I poked at him.

"I know, I know... *Sigh* you know if I could control it I would."

"I know you short handsome dork. So, you gonna tell me why you were in the basement?"

I asked hoping he wasn't gonna yell at me for asking.

"Oh, yeah. Don't freak out, but I went to talk to Isaac."

"What?! Are you fucking insane Jess?!"

"Ahh, shut up and let me finish. I wanted to see if he was sick as me, which he was, and I needed to see if he had any idea how to stop all this pain. But, nope. That was all, I didn't snap, neither did he. We're both suffering."

Hmm... I wasn't a fan of the fact that Jesse talked to Isaac, but thankfully that was all that they talked about. Plus, neither one of them snapped so thats good. I trusted Jesse, it was Isaac I didn't trust though. Never will I trust that prick.

"I'm not mad. I trust you, but not him. As long as neither one of you are snapping, I'm good."

I assured him as I smiled. Then, the sharp pain in my stomach came back and hit all of a sudden.

"Ow! Fuck..."

I hissed at the pain and forgot I was trying to keep that a secret from Jesse. My hands flew over to my stomach as I winced.

"Park, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing babe... Just a small stomach ache..."

"Parker you're curled in a ball in pain. What's up dude?"

Shut, shit, shit. I didn't know what to do. To just tell him or keep going with the lie. I didn't want him to worry himself about me, he's sick enough without having to worry about me.

"I cant tell you Jess, you have enough to worry about."

I told him.


He looked at me like I was dumb. So much for that secret.

"Jess, my stomach has been killing me. I didn't want to tell you because I want you to focus on getting yourself better and not worry about me."

I explained to him.

"Aww, but Parker it's just gonna worry me more if I don't know what's going on. I am focused on getting better but you're also mine to take care of babe."

He smiled, which made me smile and blush.

"Now what's going on with your stomach?"

"Right, I keep getting these sudden sharp pains that shoot throughout my stomach and then it starts to cramp up so bad to where I can't move hardly."

I rubbed my stomach slightly as I explained it to Jesse.

"Fuck Park, that sounds like you should actually have that checked out."

"Kinda scared to."

Jesse looked at me sternly.

"Okay, okay. I'll get it looked at. I promise baby boy."

I assured him and kissed him on the nose. I snuggled up next to him and laid my head on his belly while we watched tv. We dozed off after about 30 minutes or so. I woke up to a shit ton of pain in my stomach. I tried not to yell but I was already in fetal position and crying.

"Jesse... Fuck, Jesse please fucking wake up dude..."

Poor Parker :c

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