Kid Napped

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"Dude, get the fuck off me!"

"Dude, shut the fuck up before I blow your brains out!"

I flinched as he pointed the gun at me again as he shoved me into the back seat of his car. He got another strip of duck tape and put it over my mouth. I tried yelling at him but everything came out muffled.

"We're out of here Zippy."

When did he start calling me "Zippy"? I didn't like it either. Isaac cranked the car and he started driving as fast as he could without getting pulled over to get what I call, a "fast driving award." He reached back at me and yanked the tape off of my mouth.

"Ow!! The fuck dude?! What was even the point of taping my mouth shut if you were just gonna rip it off?!"

I asked yelling at him.

"Who knows why I do anything!"

Isaac was going super fast and making all kinds of deep turns that were making me nauseous.

"Could you slow the fuck down and go easy on the turns? I'm getting sick to my stomach!"

"Don't you fucking puke in this car!"

"Fine, how about I puke on you? Where the fuck are you taking me?!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

Is that all he could say? "Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up." How about no! I started to get teary eyed. I wanted Jesse Ridgway, not Isaac... Whatever is last name is! I tried to bury my face into the seat since I started to cry harder than I intended, but I was laying on my side and it was difficult to move.

"Are you fucking crying?!"

"I want Jesse back man!!"
We arrived at what looked a pretty nice hotel. I laid in the backseat basically emotionless. I didn't care what Isaac did to me, I just wanted Jesse back. He came and got me out of the car and un taped my hands so he the desk person wouldn't wonder what was up and call the cops. We got to the room and he shoved me in there causing me to trip and fall.

"Get up dumbass. Learn how to walk."

I ignored him and got up calmly and laid on one if the two beds as tears rolled down my face.

"The fuck do you think you're doing Zippel?!"

Isaac yelled at me.

"Leave me the fuck alone dude!"

He came around to the other side of the bed and held a dagger to my face.

"You watch how you talk to me mother fucker."

"Get the fucking knife out of my face!!"

He grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me to the bathroom. He held me still and held the dagger to my throat as we faced the mirror.

"Come on Ridgway! I got your boy, and I swear to God I'll slit his throat!!"

I winced in fear and more tears rolled down my face. I needed Jesse to show up and help me.

"Get away from him Isaac!!!"

I heard his voice. My eyes widened and I looked back at the mirror and I saw my best friend. He still had blonde hair, no piercings and no tattoo. His hair was the same length as Isaac's though, but I knew it was still the Jesse I knew and loved.

"Jesse! For fuck's sake, help me!! I fucking need you!"

I yelled, but the next thing I knew I was on the floor and I saw blood on my shirt and on the floor. I knew Isaac had slit my stomach open.

"You, shut the fuck up Zippy!!"

"What the fuck!? Parker, no!!"
I just watched my alter slide a dagger across my best friend's stomach and watched him pass out. I wasn't able to get out of the mirror. I could only get out of the one that Isaac trapped me in and it was back at my house. I felt tears stream down my face. I wanted to reach through this mirror and strangle Isaac, but that's not how this dimension works.

"Parker! Parker get up!"

I yelled as Isaac laughed maniacally. His eyes were glowing red. Well, I could only see one of his eyes since his black hair was covering the other.

"Haha, calm down Ridgway, I didn't kill him. I'm not that evil."

"Bullshit, doing what you just did is plenty evil! Snap you bitch! Get me out of here!!"

I yelled, pounding the glass and trying not to break it. I felt tears gathering in my eyes as I looked at my best friend lying still on the floor.

"Isaac, get him to a fucking hospital! Please!"

"Shut the fuck up, I can stop his bleeding."

"Then do it!!!"
'The fuck?... What just happened?'

I thought to myself. My stomach was sore and I was afraid to look at it to see why. I knew Isaac had done something. I saw blood out of the corner of my eye and started to hyperventilate.

"Parker, Parker, calm down!! Chill the fuck out dude!"

"Get the fuck away from me man!"

I looked up and saw Isaac hovering over me. I sat up the best I could and slid back to get away from him.

"You did something! What did you do?!"

"Pull up your shirt and see."

I did what he said. My stomach was covered in blood and I had a long cut across it. Isaac had cut me with his dagger.

"Hold still Park, you need pressure on it to stop the bleeding."

"Get the fuck away! Don't touch me!"

"You idiot, I'm trying to help!"

"Why now?! You made the cut, so why are you trying to help now?!"

I wasn't trusting Isaac one bit. That bastard just tried to fucking kill me! Wait... Now that dream I had made sense. I have to get Jesse out of the mirror!!

"I only sliced you open to show Ridgway a lesson. Just let me help you from dying of blood loss dude!"

"...No tricks."

I let Isaac put pressure on my wound to stop the bleeding, but I still wasn't trusting him at all.

"You need sutures dude."

"No shit..."

"Okay smartass."

He stood up and held out his hand toward my stomach and put his fingers in snapping position. Once he snapped, my cut was stitched up. How did he-...?

"What the fuck?? You can do stuff like that just by snapping?"

I asked him.

"Mhm. The stitches will dissolve on their own, but you'll have a nice looking scar."

I rolled my eyes as I stuggled to get up. I was still in a lot of pain and needed to lay down for now.

"You're gonna let Jesse out, right?"

I asked.

"I will not go back to my shitty dimension."

I accidentally published this without finishing it earlier. I barely remember cause I was half asleep but I fixed it!

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