Isaac's Dimension

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"Dude, I want Jesse back."

I told Isaac. I saw that Jesse was still in the mirror when I looked up. He had so much fear and worry in his crystal blue eyes.

"Well, that just sucks because I'm not going back to my dimension just so your little Ridgway can come back to you."

"What is so wrong with your home that you have to come into mine and fuck up my life?"

Jesse spoke up. I had wondered the same thing, honestly. Isaac sighed.

"My world is actually almost like this one, but this one isn't as bad. My parents have beaten me til my 18th birthday, which was just a few months ago. I just graduated high school, but they didn't even care at all, even after they stayed on my damn ass to pass everything and they didn't even come to see me graduate!"

When Isaac finally paused, I decided to speak up.

"That sounds like a problem with your parents, not your whole dimension."

"If you hush, I'm getting to it!"


I said as I rolled my eyes.

"I was always the target in my world. Everyone picked on Isaac! I was told multiple times to kill myself. So, I tried to give them what they wanted. I got home one day and my mom and dad were at work. I went to see what we had in our medicine cabinet and I found some sleeping pills. I took a handful of them, but all it did was make me sick and throw them back up. My mom found me in the bathroom laying in the floor when she got home from work. What does she do? She tells me to stop being dramatic and that it's just a phase!!"

This was heart breaking... I was actually starting to feel bad for Isaac, but that still didn't give him the right to kid nap me and destroy Jesse's life. Jesse and I exchanged a look.

"Isaac... I know that had to be hard, but that doesn't mean you should come here and ruin Jesse's life."

"You all are trying to force me back to my world! Just stay off my back!"

I gritted my teeth and furrowed my brows. I tackled Isaac and grabbed him by his shirt and tried to lift him up.

"Then give Jesse back Isaac! Is there not a way you can both stay on Earth-"


Jesse interrupted. I looked up at him and tilted my head at what he wanted. He motioned me to come over to him.

"What the hell are you doing? I don't want Isaac in our world. Are you insane?"

"Jes, I just want you back! I don't care if Isaac is here, as long as you are too!"

Maybe I was insane, but I just wanted Jesse back. If we have to we could find Isaac another place to live for all I care.

"Kinda insulted that Ridgway doesn't want me to stay, but to answer your question, no. As far as I know, there is no way where we can both be here."
I was honestly insulted that they really didn't want me here, but I also understood. I'm aware I'm not a good person and I've learned to accept that, but I just wanted to be in a world where I could be happy for once.

I saw Parker was asleep in the other bed, so I decided to go in the bathroom and get a bit high. I couldn't sleep, I was having anxiety about going back to the Ridgeway house. I know they are gonna be so mad for kid napping a family friend. I took the drugs out of my pocket and took the car keys and inhaled some cocaine. I loved the feeling of being high.

I woke up at 11am the next morning and saw Parker was gone. I jumped up in a hurry, I thought Parker had left to call the cops on me.

"Parker?! Parker Zippel?!"

"Dude, chill I'm in the bathroom!"

I heard him say from the bathroom. That was a relief.

"Oh, I thought you went to call the cops on me dude."

"No... Though, I ought to. I won't though."



I'm sorry this one is so short, next one won't be.

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