Meeting the Juggies

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Park and I headed out to head to the Convention Center. My parents and brother decided they would join us later. Park and I intertwined our fingers together, then I remembered that Boogie comes to Vidcon too.


I whispered to myself.

"What's wrong Jes?"

"I just remembered Boogie attends Vidcon..."

"If we see him, we just avoid him, okay?"

I nodded my head slowly as Parker and I kept walking. We got out the doors and it was fucking hot as hell outside. As soon as we entered Vidcon, there was already a group of Juggies surrounding Parker and I.

"Hey guys!"

I greeted them all. All of them began hugging Parker and I and took selfies with us, also signed some stuff for them. Best thing about being a YouTuber is the fans for me, and I loved every single one of them. The group that had just left looked like they were the ages of 14-17.

"Oh my god, that was awesome! Like, that was the best feeling ever!"

Parker exclaimed as he flailed around happily.

"You like the Juggies?"

I asked him as I smiled at him.

"Yes! They're all so nice and so dedicated to you!"

"And you!"

I assured him. He danced around all happy as we started walking again. He was literally skipping and flailing around everywhere.

"Parker, what are you doing?"

I chuckled at him. It was cute, but I didn't want him to run into a pole or something.

"Where are we going next?!"

He asked excitedly and he grabbed both of my hands, still acting like an excited little kid.

"The main stage where I officially announced that The Psycho Series was a story. You're coming up on stage with me."

"Nuh-uh! For real?!"

I've never seen Parker this excited, but I loved it. He was so adorable!

"Yup! Gonna prove to everyone that you're my boyfriend."

"Hell yeah! Let's go babe!!"

Parker let go of one of my hands and pulled me by the other. He had me literally running to the main stage, or where he thought it was.

"Babe, babe! You don't even know where you're going, haha!"

I told him as we slowed down.

"Then you lead baby! Go!"

"Park, calm down. I've never seen you this excited, what has gotten into you?"

I asked him. We both smiled, but I was confused at how a one group of Juggies made him this happy.

"I- I honestly don't know! I'm just excited to be here with you, meeting your fans!"

"Okay, I'm happy about you being here too and all, but dude... You gotta calm down some. You're gonna run into someone or something, and security here is really weird, so save that energy for the stage, okay?"

He nodded happily.

"Okay. You good?"

"Yes! Let's go, lead the way babe!"

I grabbed Park's hand and I lead us inside a building where the stage was. I stared at it as we headed towards back stage.

"Wow... One year ago, I was up there with my family announcing that my 'Psycho Family' was really normal, and that it was all just a year long story..."

I stopped in my tracks as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Jesse? What's wrong?"

"Just, brought some memories back being here. I'm fine, I'm good."

I assured Park and continued walking toward the back of the stage.
I held Parker's hand as he stood behind me. We were croutched down at the bottom of the small case of stairs behind the stage.

"Ready Park?"

"Hell yeah!"

Parker and I both ran out on stage and everyone in the crowd cheered and screamed. I took the microphone from the man that was talking as a joke.

"Okay man, that's enough of that! I'm taking over now!"

I said and laughed to let him know it was a joke. Luckily, he was a good sport about it.

"McJuggerNuggets everybody!!"

The man said as he walked off stage. Parker grabbed the mic from me and started flailing around all happy again.

"What's up guys?!"

He greeted everyone as they all cheered for him. I went toward the back of the stage to get another mic so Park and I wouldn't have to share one.

"Juggies, you have no idea how happy Park and I are to be here! The rest of my family will be here later. Yes, Psycho Dad included!"

Everyone cheered. I was surprised he was still even going by that title by most fans.

"Guys, one year ago, you all watched as my family and myself came up on this exact stage and announce to all of you that The Psycho Series was fake! This year, I've brought my favorite person in the world!"

"Do I know this said person?!"

Parker asked into the mic jokingly.

"Very well, actually! He's you!"

Park smiled and put his hand over his heart as if he was touched by the comment. I walked over to him and grabbed his hand.

"Juggies, I know half of you don't believe us, but Parker and I are! Dating! Believe it or not, we are boyfriends!"

I saw Parker nodding aggressively in agreement.


All the Juggies chanted. Parker turned me to face him as we grabbed each other by the hips, and our lips locked together.


I heard things like that coming from the crowd. We stopped kissing and smiled at each other, and then something unexpected happened... Parker got down on one knee, and pulled a small black box out of his pocket. I knew what he was doing. He spoke into the mic.

"Jesse, I've known you for like, 15 years, and I have loved you ever since. When you hired me to be your camera man, I was excited. Not for the job, but because I knew I'd be over at your house with you every day. Every time I see or hear you, my heart flutters and races! You're my favorite person in the universe and nothing will change that! So, Jesse Tyler Ridgway, wanna marry me dude?!"

What will be Jesse's answer?!
I hate WP sometimes! I had over half this chapter done earlier and it all got fucking deleted! Oh well, I made it better!

Enjoy the cliffhanger! 😂😁

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