Tiring Pains

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Jesse and I both ended up falling asleep. He slept on my chest and I loved it. I'm always wanting him to hear my heart beating for him. I know that's sappy, but y'know... I closed my eyes and tried to doze off as I was petting Jesse's hair.
'Guess I finally got to sleep...'

I thought to myself. I had seen Jesse wasn't in here and I was so hoping he wasn't in the bathroom getting sick. I still felt sick to my stomach from last night, or early this morning technically. I got up to go find Jesse. I walked in the kitchen and seen that Jesse was finally eating. I walked over to him and kissed his head.

"Did you finally get hungry?"

I asked him. He shook his head no and noticed he was barely trying to chew.

"I started getting hunger pains, but I still didn't wanna eat. I hate that empty stomach feeling though. It gives me a headache too."

He explained.

"I hate those too. But, I'm glad you're eating something. Need something in there besides medicine."

I said to him poking at his belly. He blushed and pulled my hands to come closer.

"Do you want the rest?"

Jess asked me, pointing at his food.

"No, you need to eat it babe. You need to fill your stomach up while you can somewhat tolerate it."

I told him. I know he was most likely gonna get sick again later, but he really needed something to fill his stomach up besides meds. I rubbed his back while he tried his best to eat more. I seen JT come out of his room.

"Hey sick lover boys."

He greeted us.

"Hey JT. Your brother finally decided to eat."

"About fucking time."

I poked at Jesse's sides, making him jump.

"Haha, why'd you jump babe?"

I asked playfully.

"Because I'm ticklish you fucktard."

He said playfully too.

"Should I leave so you two can fuck, or...?"

"Fuck off Jeffrey. We're trying to actually be in a good mood. I'm tired of being sick and I know Parker is too."

Jesse said to JT.

"Chill, I was just kidding."
I went back to Jesse's room and put on a clean shirt. I wore just a black tank top with some grey skinny jeans. Jesse came in and hugged me the second he walked in like he was upset.

"What's wrong babe?"

I asked him.

"I'm bored as fuck. I wanna get out of the house for awhile."

I swayed us side to side as Jess clinged to me.

"Well, you wanna go get your hair cut? Possibly dye it back?"

He nodded his head yes.

"Good, let's go."

I said as I grabbed my hat and car keys. We got outside and it was hot as hell. I told Jess that I'd drive as we walked to the car.
I was glad to finally be getting my haircut again and maybe dying it back to my real hair color if they can. Parker and I walked in and I told them what I wanted. I guess they were just gonna dye my hair back to my real hair color, or try to.

"Wanna run your fingers through my hair one last time before its gone babe?"

I asked Parker, knowing he loves playing with my hair. He lazily ran them through, which was odd for him. I kissed his cheek and went over to the stylist chair.
Finally, my hair was short again.

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