Isaac's Take Over

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Isaac was back in Jesse and he was not happy with Corn. How did he even know about Corn though?



I stared at him intensely and he didn't turn around to look at me when he replied.

"Isaac, how do you even know about Corn?"

I asked him.

"I watched Ridgway's video on what happened and watched enough Psycho episodes to know what this jackass looks like."

"Haha, okay, what the fuck is going on?"

Corn asked. Before anyone answered him Isaac punched Corn in the face. My eyes widened and I ran over and grabbed Isaac from behind to hold him back.

"Let me go Zip!"

He demanded as he stuggled to get free.

"No! You're gonna get us kicked out of the park!"

"I don't care! Corn deserves to have his ass kicked!"

Hey, I didn't disagree with Isaac on that one, but I wanted to have a nice day here with my babe. I saw Corn getting up and his face was bruised right under his eye. Corn was coming towards me and I immediately let Isaac go so I could defend myself.

*Whistle blows*

"Hey! Get out of here if y'all are gonna be doing that! Leave, now!"

A lifeguard yelled at us.

"Ugh, thanks to you I can't even spend time with my boyfriend at the water park!"

I yelled at Corn.

"Disgusting faggots."

I heard Corn mumble. I turned around and couldn't help punching Corn in the face for that comment. he fell to the ground and I splashed water in his face.

"Fucking hetero!"

I said walking away with Isaac.
What the fuck happened? Why are we back the hotel? The last thing I remembered was Corn being in my face. I looked around to see where I was and I saw I was back at the hotel with Park. I looked over and saw him sleeping peacefully. I ran my fingers through his hair trying not to wake him up. I curled up into his chest and went back to sleep.
I woke up another 2 hours later, and I noticed Parker was awake and watching tv.


I greeted him.


He gave me a strange and confused look.


"Oh, thank God."

He said with relief and hugged me tight.

"Uhh, did I miss something?"

I asked confused.

"A lot. At the water park, Corn showed up and you two got in a fight. But it wasn't you fighting, Isaac was."

My eyes widened.

"I-Isaac..? I don't even remember that at all."

"Because it wasn't you. Isaac took over and him and Corn got in a little fight, but a lifeguard broke y'all up."

"Did we get kicked out?"

"No, but Isaac remembered me and he said he didn't wanna waste his time at a water park with me so..."

My heart dropped. I felt so bad that I said that to him. I know it was Isaac that really said it, but the words came from my mouth.

"Parker... I didn't know he-"

"It's okay. I know it wasn't you talking. I love you no matter who takes you over. I'll always love you."

I smiled and crawled on top of him, kissing his neck. He nuzzled his head against mine and kissed my shoulder.

"You smell good..."

Parker randomly said.

"...Way to ruin the moment Park."

I said to him jokingly as I got out of bed to get dressed. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, but when I looked in the mirror... I saw my eyes glow red.


I yelled for him as I ran out of the bathroom and jumped on the bed and into Parker's arms.

"Whoa, Jesse, what the fuck is going on?!"

He asked as he wrapped his arms around me tightly.
I heard Jesse scream my name, and just as I was getting up to go check on him, but he was already in my arms crying. I was freaking out and I didn't even know what was wrong, but Jesse was freaking out and Crying, so of course I was gonna flip shit.

"Baby, what the fuck is wrong?!"

"My eyes were glowing red!!"

I was confused.

"Th-they were glowing red when I looked in the mirror!"

He said, still freaking out. I looked at the doorway of the bathroom and tilted my head as I continued to rub Jesse's back.

"Baby, calm down, okay? You've got to calm down."

He was shaking like a a leaf in my arms and bawling to death. I thought that maybe Isaac was fucking with him, trying to scare him.

"I'm scared Parker... I'm so fucking scared..."

"I know babe, I know you are. I'm scared too, but I swear we are going to get this fixed. You can't suffer like this."

I assured him.
We were back home from Arkansas and we were fucking jet lagged. Jesse was still freaking out from seeing his eyes glow red the other day. He sat on the edge of his bed and he put his hand over his stomach.

"What's wrong?"

I asked him.

"I feel sick.."

"Probably the jet lag or your anxiety babe. Why don't you lay down and rest?"

I sat next to him and pulled him closer to me. He nodded his head as he stripped his shirt off.

"Hot damn, now that's some real sexyness right there!"

I said to him as I smirked at him. I saw a smile grow on his face, which is what I was going for. I stood up and turned Jesse to face me. I grabbed his head and tilted it up and pressed my lips against his.

"I love you sweet heart."

I said to him.

"I love you too baby."

He laid down and got under the covers. I decided to get on his computer and watch some YouTube, see if I could find any new music.
Jesse had been asleep for three hours and I was so fucking bored! I wanted Jesse to wake up so we could do something together, or go out to eat. I sat in Jesse's bean bag chair and watched tv. On the bright side, I found six new songs and put them on my phone.

My motivation has gotten low again 😔... But here ya go! Also, JESSE NOTICED ME IN HIS STREAM EARLIER YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

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