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It was time for Vidcon and I was gonna get to go with Jesse and the rest of his family. We were heading out to LA tomorrow, and I was pretty excited. I laid on the bed and leaned against the wall behind me while I played on my phone.


I heard Jesse yelling my name as he ran through the house and into the room tackling me.


He landed on top of me.

"Uhh, you good there bud?"

I asked him as I giggled.

"You ready for Vidcon babe?!"

"Yeah, but I can see you're just dreading to go, haha."

I said sarcastically


He said as he cupped my face and had his lips meet mine. Our tongues fought for dominance as I pushed Jesse to sit up in my lap. I ran my fingers through his- now long again- blonde hair. He grew it back out to be the length that Isaac had it.

"Uhhm! You guys could shut the door."

We heard a familiar voice in the corridor.

"Don't be looking in our room then Jeffrey."

Jes said to him as he walked off, shaking his head. I looked back at my boyfriend and grabbed both his hands and intertwined our fingers.

"Wanna go swimming?"

I asked him.

"Sure. I'll meet you out there."

He said and gave me a quick kiss before going to the bathroom to get ready.
I saw that Jesse got to the pool before me and he was kneeled down on the side. He left the gate open, so I was able to sneak in. I saw his phone on his towel in one of the chairs and I was glad. I got up behind him and pushed him into the pool by surprise. I laughed as he came back above water and gasped for air.

"What the fuck dude?!"

"Hahaha, I love you!"

"Hey, kneel down, I gotta secret to tell you, hyena boy!"

He started calling me 'Hyena' because I laugh like one. I didn't mind it to be honest.

"Fuck no, I ain't stupid. I'm using the slide!"

I ran over to the water slide and climbed up the ladder and slid my way down into the pool.

Oh, I was gonna get that big dork back for that push. I wasn't actually mad at him. Honestly, I would've done the same thing if he had gotten out here before me. I swam my way over to Parker. I got to him and we both smiled as he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me in for a kiss.

"I love you baby."

"I love you too, you small dork."

We swam back to the shallow end of the pool so we could actually stand up and not have to drown to kiss. I already felt that my hair was gross from the chlorine in the pool, so I was hoping Park didn't plan on running his fingers through it.
"You got everything packed up Park?"

"Yep. Ready for Vidcon. Are you sure your family is cool with me coming with y'all?"

"Of course babe. They let you move in with us, why would they have a problem with you coming to Vidcon?"

I think Parker was a little paranoid. He's always afraid that they're gonna kick him out of the house or something if he does one little thing wrong, but I know they wouldn't. My parents and Jeffrey love Parker and consider him family.

"Yeah, true. I don't know if I should take a shower tonight or in the morning."

'Choose tonight, choose tonight!" I thought to myself. I walked over to Parker and started rubbing on him and kissing him to give him a hint.

"Jes, would you like to join me?"

I smirked at him as I rubbed the back of his neck.

"You know it."

Park grabbed my hand and we took me to the bathroom with him, and I was... Excited.
Jesse and I had a nice ass shower. We got ready to go to bed so we could be at the airport on time tomorrow. It'd suck if we missed our plane.
"Yo Jes! Get up!"

I yelled at my still sleeping boyfriend. I was surprised he wasn't up before me, since I know how passionate he is about Vidcon.

"I'm up, I'm up."

Jes said as he rubbed his eyes. I leaned over him while he still layed there, and kissed him gently on the lips.

"Come on sleepy baby. Don't wanna miss Vidcon, no?"

Jesse stretched as he tried to wake up. I threw one of his shirts at him to put it on.

"Gotta wear that Juggie shirt man!"

I told him in excitement.

"Oh, fuck yeah dude! Got yours?"

I turned around, showing him I was wearing my "Keep it Ridgid" tank top.

"That's my boy."

I blushed.
We all took separate cars. Jes and I in his, Mister and Misses Ridgway in the truck, and JT in his car. I could tell Jesse was excited to see all his fans, or hopefully most of them. We got on the plane and not even ten minutes on, Jesse was already on my shoulder asleep. I smiled and kissed his head and very lightly ran my fingers across his cheek.
We got to the hotel and as soon as Jes and I entered the room, we both collapsed on the bed together. I was so tired and wanted to take a nap with my boyfriend and just unpack our shit later.
---Next day---
"Get up Parker! We gotta go see the Juggies!!"

Jesse yelled in my ear. My eyes bursted open at the yelling.

"What time is it?"

I asked tiredly.

"It's 9:15, get your ass up!"

"Yes, father."

I said sarcastically as I sat up and stretched. Next thing I knew, Jesse is rushing over to me and kissing me on the lips as he grabbed my jaw.


I said as we stopped kissing.

"That's 'daddy' to you, Parker boy."

Damn... Why now?

"Well, I guess I have to go shower now to take care of something. Thank you for that babe."

I laughed at him.

"Hurry and jerk off, we gotta go babe!"

"Don't rush me, you caused it!"

I yelled from the bathroom.

I am not sorry at all for the last part c:

Sorry for the low motivation guys, but I think I'm back now! I'm also sick with an Upper Respiratory Infection, so that's a thing. Gladly I'm not aggressively shaking as bad as I have been though, so I can type!

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