Epilogue: Goodbye

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Setting: Hogsmead station; on the train, Draco's p.o.v.

I sit in the train compartment with Astoria and my friends for the very last train ride from Hogwarts; Astoria still has another year, but the rest of us won't be returning. I sit staring out the window and not listening to any of what they're talking about, all my thoughts are consumed by one: Jemima Potter. The train soon starts to move along on the tracks and all I can do is wonder where my Lily-dove is right now; what she is doing? She ripped my heart out when she said what she did after returning from St. Mungo's, but I still love her. Since when did she care so much about blood status anyways?

"I need some air," I declare standing abruptly and leaving the compartment

I slam the compartment door closed as I leave, shoving my hands in my pockets as I make my way in the direction of the one compartment I use to be able to find her siting in. Unlike all the years before, there is no line outside the compartment, for there is no one to sit and listen to anyone's problem. I pull open the empty compartment door, and I close it once inside. I sit alone, just letting my memories of her play on rerun and time seems to pass by quicker as I'm lost in my thoughts...

"Anything from the trolley dear?" The old candy witch asks me

A licorice wand please- Jemima's voice echoes in my thoughts

"Dear?" The witch asks

"A licorice wand please," I say before handing her the money

She hands me the candy and continues on her way as I set the candy wand aside and go back to staring out the window, my thoughts still only on Jemima. I recall all the fun times, the fights, her stubbornness, and my pride; tears unknowingly slip down my face as I remember every detail of her from her auburn hair, to her hazel eye, to perfect lips and pale skin. The train soon comes to a stop, signaling that we've finally arrived at King's Cross station in London; slowly I stand and wipe away my tears as I start to leave the compartment for the last time. I grab the untouched licorice wand and remove the 'secret keeper' label from over the compartment before I start to exit the train like everyone else. I grab my bags from the other compartment and step off the train, only to be tackled to the ground...

"DRACO!" Is all I hear before I find myself on the train station floor

"Hello Nyxie," I greet my sister, "what brings you here?"

"You, idiot," she smiles as she pulls me off the ground, "You didn't really think that I'd miss seeing come home did you?"

"What about-" I start

"Mummy!" A little voice shouts from another direction

"Draco," Nyx's says as a four or five year old boy comes running into her arms, "meet your nephew: Leo Charles Weasley."

"..." the boy and I stare at each other

"Leo," Nyx's says, "this is Mummy's brother; your uncle Draco."

"Hello," I say

"Can you say hello to uncle Draco?" She asks him, but the boy shakes his head no and buries his face into the crook of her neck

"Where Mum and Dad?" I ask her

"Dad is at the Manner with Charlie," she tells me, "and Mum dropped by Aunt Andromeda's really quick, but should be here soon."

"Sorry I'm late," Comes Mum's voice after the cracking sound of Apparating

"Granma!" Leo suddenly shouts and leans out towards her

"Is that my grand baby?" Mother asks with fake amazement as she takes the child into her arms, "You're so big," she coos, "I insist you stop growing."

"Hehehe," Leo giggles as mother tickles him

"Have you met your uncle Draco sweetheart?" Mother asks the boy, he nods and tries to hide from me in Mother long blonde hair

"Leo," I say and he peeks out at me, "Would you like a licorice wand?"

"What do you say to Uncle Draco Leo?" Nyx's asks him as he snatches the candy from me

"Thank you," he says not looking up from the licorice wand now in his hands but soon loose interest in it, "GRANMA!"

Mother, Nyx and I turn to the direction that Leo was screaming in, and spot the Weasleys', Leo practically leaps from Mother's arms and goes running over to the family of red heads as they start their way towards us...

"Hello Nyx dear," the short dusty, but kind looking woman says as she holds Leo, "Narcissia, Draco."

"Molly," Mother says

"Mrs. Weasley," I say politely

"Will we be seeing you and Charlie at super tomorrow?" She asks as Leo hugs her tight

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Nyx says smiling

"Good," Mrs. Weasley says, "the rest of your family is welcome to come as well if they like..."

"I'll talk with Lucius," Mother Says, "But we would be delighted."

"Well," Mrs. Weasley sighs, "I must be going-"

"Granma no!" Leo whines as she hands him back to Mother

"Sorry Love," she says as she kisses his forehead, "but grandma's got to."

"Mmm," Leo pouts

"You'll see Grandma Weasley tomorrow sweetheart," Nyx reassures him, "along with Grandpa and all you're uncles and even Aunt Ginny; but why don't we go home and see daddy and Grandpa Lucius right now hm?"

Leo nods his little head as he sobs while watching Mrs. Weasley walk away, we aparate home to Malfoy Manner, and the very moment we're through the door, Leo goes running to a red headed man that is having a rather loud discussion with father about something. I watch how Nyx's husband interacts with Leo, making the small child laugh as he acts like a buffoon...

"I know that look," Nyx says standing next to me now

"What look?" I ask

"That look you're making," she says pointing at my face, "it's the look you have-"

"I don't have a look Nyx," I argue

"..." she gives me a flat look that states 'ya right, you don't fool me'

"Alright then," I declare, "enlighten me on this 'look' you claim I have-which, for the record, I don't."

"It's the look you get when you wish you had something someone else does," she states, "which, for the record, you do."

"That's absurd," I huff

"Dinner!" Mum calls

"Fine," Nyx sighs, "remain in your denial," she says starting to head towards her little family, "but you can't hide it from me!"

"hide what?!" I snap as I follow her

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