All Falls Apart

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(Song is called behind these hazel eyes)

Setting: May 2, 1998; Gryffindor table in the great hall, Harry's p.o.v.

"Post's in," Ginny says as the Weasleys' family owl comes flying in and lands right in a plate of pancakes

"Did Earl finally croak?" Ron asks after a full two minutes on the bird not moving

Earl finally gets up as Ginny picks up the letter and flies off again; I glance over at the Slytherin table to where Wibble and Nott are next to each other as Ginny opens the letter...

"Who's it from?" Ron asks

"Bill and Fleur," Ginny squeals, "the baby's been born!"

"Well don't just sit there squealing," Ron laughs, "fill us in."

"It's a girl," Hermione reads as Ginny is far too excited, "and they've named her Victorie to commemorate that she was born a year after Voldemort's defeat."

"I'm an aunt!" Ginny squeals happily

"You already were an Aunt ya toss pot," Ron laughs, "remember Leo? Charlie's son?"

"Yea, I know," she says still giddy, "but we didn't know about him till after he was already born."

"Isn't it exciting news Harry?" Hermione asks

"Hm?" I starts as I turn back to the conversation, "What? Oh-yea congratulations guys; really exciting."

"What's wrong mate?" Ron asks

"Nothing," I say

"Harry," Hermione starts

"It's just-" I say looking back at the Slytherin table where Wibble and Nott are, "you think-"

"What?" Ginny asks eyeing where I'm looking, "oh."

"You think she's alright?" I ask

"How ya mean?" Ron asks, "like physically or mentally?"

"Ronald!" Hermione snaps

"What?" He asks defensively, "I'm just sayin, that there must be something wrong with er head if she staying with a guy who pounds her."

"I don't think it's as simple as leave for her," I tell them, "I think there's a reason she's staying, and I don't just mean because she's pregnant...I think she's hiding something."

"Like what?" Ginny asks, "like he's holding something over her?"

"I don't know," I admit, "but whatever it is...I'm positive she doesn't want anyone to know."
(Little later: still beginning of May; Astronomy tower, 3rd person p.o.v.)

     Jemima stands at the edge of the astronomy tower, like She's done many times before when she couldn't take the loneliness anymore. She stares down at the empty grass covered courtyard below with no sigh of life in her hazel eye; she glances back into the circular room behind her, she sees no one and is completely alone in this tower-for once. She looks back out over the courtyard again, and the blue cloud covered sky above; she takes in a sharp breath as she steps over to the other side of the railing, like she's done many times before. Memories of all her friends, the brother, and Draco all flash through her mind; memories she only has. Tears slip down her face as she turns herself to face the inside of the tower, closes her eye, and lets go of the railing; free falling backwards...

Don't I get a chance to live?


Why do I have to die with you?

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