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Setting: end of School year, June; Harry's p.o.v.

Today's the day we all graduate from Hogwarts; most of us will go our separate ways and we won't see each other again until we're back at King's Cross to see our own children off to Hogwarts. I've been searching the crowds for what feels like hours, but I haven't even caught a glimpse of Jemi anywhere...

"Relax Harry," Hermione says, "she said she'd be back for graduation, and I'm sure she's fine."

"Yea mate," Ron adds, "she's proven a number of times over that she can handle herself for the most part."

"I know that," I sigh, "I'm not worried about that."

"Then what is it?" Ginny asks

"I'm more worried that she's only going to show up in time to her diploma," I start, "and then take off again without a word to anyone the moment after at."

"Harry, sweetheart," Mum comes over by me, "have you seen your sister?"

"No, not yet," I sigh

"Don't worry Lily-flower," Dad comes next to her, "I'm sure she'll be here soon."

After watching Jemi's memories a number of times-and a few breathing exercises-Dad finally calmed down about how her life turned out. It took a while longer to calm Mum down from crying though, and none of us could talk Aunt Jiba out of the self-hate she was feeling for not being there for Jemi and I. Remus admitted that he had no idea about her home life back in third year, that Dumbledore never mentioned it. Sirius didn't say much about any of it and seemed to be having an internal conflict with himself over the matter after he saw everything. As for me, I had no idea how left out I was making her feel at times; she never said a word to me about it, or hinted that something was wrong, and it never crossed my mind...

"It's time," Aunt Jiba coming over to us, "go get in the line up you four."

"Jiba have you seen Jemima yet?" I hear Mum ask as Ginny pulls me in the direction of the line up

"Not yet Lily," Aunt Jiba says quietly, "Sorry."

"Don't worry Lily-flower," Dad says, "she'll be here."

Going in alphabetical order by last name, McGonagall calls up the seventh years and repeat seventh years one by one, A-F goes by fairly quickly along the G's. Hermione made Valedictorian while Jemi made Salutatorian, I don't know if she's even aware of that, seeing as we haven't seen or heard from her in weeks...

"Harry Potter!" McGonagall finally calls my name

I make my way to the front of the great hall and take my diploma from her before shaking her hand as Mum and Remus clap and Dad, Sirius, and Aunt Jiba all cheer obnoxiously loud. I make my way back to my seat, where there is an empty chair next to me where Jemi is supposed to sit...

"Jemima Potter!" McGonagall calls, all goes silent, "Jemima Potter!"

We all wait for her to show on stage and looking around for her as McGonagall asks if anyone has seen her; people start to whisper about why she isn't present. Suddenly a white dove lands on stage and a smirk forms on my face as all eyes turn to stare at the strange behavior of this bird. The dove changes into Jemima before everyone's eyes and she just smiles as she sakes McGonagall's hand and takes her diploma...

"Wait a moment Ms. Potter," McGonagall says as Jemi is about to leave

"?" Jemi stops in her tracks and looks to McGonagall in question

"You are Salutatorian," McGonagall tells her, "you're to give a speech along with Ms. Granger at the end."

"Sorry, What?" Jemi replies in disbelief

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