Visiting Mum & Dad

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Setting: December; campsite, Jemima's p.o.v.

Hermione sits outside on the rocks, completely ignoring the gorgeous view before her as Harry lays in bed with his arms folded cross his chest as he eyes the snitch floating before him. I sit at the kitchen area table, looking at the marauders tracker and check on the people I care about. I watch as Ron seems to be heading in the direction of the burrow, Sirius and Jiba are safe at the black house, I watch Draco's feet marks on the as they stand in a graveyard where Nyx's feet marks permanently remain. He's been going there just every day since I left Malfoy Manner; I'm worried for Draco, and can't stop wondering how I'm going to break the news to Charlie and the Weasleys' they'll be devastated. I watch Wormtail's feet marks for a while as they move about Malfoy Manner and on occasion, go to the graves either mark for 'Karissa Kale' or 'Periwinkle Pettigrew' but never stays long. I watch Romula in the joke shop with Fred and George, as well as Remus-who returned to Dora-I even keep an eye on Snape at Hogwarts.

"Jemi; Hermione," Harry's voice suddenly rings out

"..." I look to him as he passes me with the snitch in hand, "Mischief Maker Found," I whisper and the marauders tracker changes back to an ordinary piece of parchment

"Hermione!" Harry calls as he leaves the tent and I follow him, "you were right, the snitches have flesh memories," he says as we make our way across the rocky terrain towards her, "but I didn't catch the first snitch with my hand; I almost swallowed it."

He hands it to her and takes a seat in front of her as she puts her book down next to her on the rock and I finally catch up with Harry...

"I open at the close," she reads as she looks at the snitch

"What do you think that means?" He asks her

"I don't know," she admits and they look to me

"Not a clue," I say with a sigh

"I found something as well," Hermione says grabbing her book

Harry changes spots so he's sitting next to her on the left, so I take a seat on her right as she flips through her book to the page, and shows him as I lean over to see. She explains how she first thought it was an eye but that now she isn't sure what it is and how she can't find it anywhere...

"Luna's dad was wearing that at Bill and Fleur's wedding," Harry declares

"Why would someone draw it in a children's book?" Hermione asks confused

   Silence goes round us three, I know what that symbol is, and I know the answer to her question; however, if I answer, they'll want an explanation, to which I can only give as having read all the stories in that children's book repeatedly since the day I got it when I was ten...

"Hermione, I've been think," Harry starts pulling me from my thoughts, "I want to got to Godric's Hollow; it's where Jemi and I were born, it's where are parents died..."

"That's exactly where he'll expect you to go," she says getting up, "because it means something to you."

"Yes, but it means something to him too Hermione," Harry says desperately, "You-Know-Who almost died there; I mean, isn't that exactly the type of place he'd be likely to hide a horcrux?"

"That's-its dangerous Harry," Hermione starts, "but I have to admit: recently I've been think that we'll have to go there."

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