The Cup

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Setting: nighttime; Shell cottage, Harry's p.o.v.

"You're sure that's hers?" Ron asks as Hermione holds up a hair

"Positive," Hermione says as she hands the hair to Ron to be put in the potion

"Perfect," I say as Fleur and Bill enter the room

"This is the closest I could find to what you described," Fleur tells Hermione as she hands over the clothes

"Perfect, thank you Fleur," Hermione says as she takes them from her

"You're leaving aren't you?" Bill asks us as Fleur returns to his side

"In the morning," I tell him

"And Griphook?" He asks me

"He's coming with us," I tell him

"Listen," He says, "I know goblins; if you struck any kind of bargain with Griphook, you must be exceptionally careful to live up to it...if you don't, he won't be forgiving."

With that warning, he and Fleur head for bed as do we not long after them; the next day I find myself up on the sand doors, looking out to the sea and wonder what Jemi is up to right now. My attention is pulled away from the view as Luna approaches with a suitcase ready to return to school...

"I'm sure she's alright," Luna says in her usual airy voice

"..." I get to my feet

"She always seemed like a strong person to me," Luna says

"..." I stare at the sand below in silence

"Funny how she only has one eye," she says, "yet she seems to see things most clearly."

"Tilts funny, " I say quietly

"..." silence passes between us as I look back at the scenery

"Hogwarts?" I ask gesturing to her bag, but already know the answer, "'s not the place you left you's not the same."

"...neither am I," she tells me

With that, we stand another moment in silence before she walks off passed me and down the sand doom; I go back to looking at the ocean when Ron comes walking up in his disguise...

"Always good value," he says as he come walking up the doom, "I'll miss her," he adds as I look him over, "what do you think?"

"I wouldn't know you if I didn't know you," I say as I check out his beard

"You gonna tell me what that is?" He asks as I put the mirror shard in my pocket

"..." I nod, "Jemi said she'd tell me how it works, but she never actually got around to it; you're going to think I'm mental, but..." I start, "more than once when I've looked into it, I think I've seen Dumbledore."

"..." we're both silent for a moment

"Bloody hell; there's a sight," Ron says looking pass me

"..." I turn to see Hermione as Bellatrix LeStrange coming towards us with Griphook

"Well?" She asks us

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