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Setting: beginning of February, 3rd person p.o.v.

Jemima wakes, her head throbbing and her body cold as she starts to slip out from the bed and starts to walk away, only to have strong arms pull her back in. The kind of strong arms that made her tremble instead of making her feel safe; the kind that made her feel colder instantly at the touch, instead of warm. They were alone in the boys dormitory: him by choice, and her by force. His arms wrapped around her, pulled her back into the bed, and didn't let go, but instead, trapped her there. It was all too familiar to her, and all too easy to shut down her emotions like it was second nature to become lifeless.

She didn't say a word, as he did what he pleased to her; but any and all sign of life was gone from her eyes as she quietly questioned how her judgement and taste in guys could be so off. Tears silently slip down her face as he defiles her, and she silent thinks about how she regrets leaving Slughorn's Christmas party early. Memories of her adoptive father bitterly twist and turn in her head before she's flung from the bed to the cold stone floors and he's making his way to the bathroom. The boys dorm is currently empty as Jemima slowly gets up from the floor, slips her clothes back on, and makes her way back to the girls dorm. She showers, desperate to rid herself of the disgusting, trashiness she feels and spends a large amount of time trying to cover her shame with long sleeves and make up.

     She was never every good at applying make up, mainly because she rarely wore the stuff, so it hardly surprised her that whispers started going around the great hall from the sight of her when she and Nott walked in. Draco was one of the few that couldn't keep his eyes off her and many Gryffindors did double takes at the sight, while teachers either didn't notice or gave looks of confusion. Jemima didn't read her book like she would've liked or observed her surroundings; all she really wanted to do, was hide away somewhere and not be in anyone's attention. In every class she had with Nott, she sits next to him. It was at the end of DADA that Professor Lupin pulls her aside...

"Ms. Wibble," he calls as she packs up her things

"Sir?" She says quietly

"A moment of your time please?" He asks as other students leave

     She glances over to where Theodore Nott is waiting by the door, as if seeking his permission, and Remus Lupin doesn't fail to notice this, as Nott gives a subtle nod of his head before leaving himself...

"..." she turns back to him

"Have a seat Ms. Wibble," he tells her

"Sir?" She quietly asks as she takes her seat again, "d-did I d-do something?"

"No, no," he says giving a pitiful laugh, "nothing like that."

"Th-then-" she starts

"Is there anything you'd like to tell me?" He asks her gently, "anything at all?"

"N-no," she whispers quietly

"Are you absolutely sure?" He asks placing a hand on her shoulder

     She quietly nods as she feels the warmth, security, and safety that just radiated off of her godfather; she bites her lip as she silent fights back tears and he lets out a disappointed sigh...

"Thank you Professor," she whispers, "but, I can handle myself."

"Huh," he sighs, "I wish I could believe that."

"May I go Professor?" Jemima whispers

"Very well," Lupin says with  another sigh of reluctance

     Remus watches as Jemima leaves his classroom with a heavy heart at her refusal to tell him of something that was clearly obvious and not that well hidden. He keeps his eye on her when he sees her in the halls and at meals, noting the young man that's constantly around her and that he seems like a gentleman...

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