Hit Me

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Setting: January 1, 1999; Slytherin common room, Jemima's p.o.v.

"Happy New Year Theo!" I exclaim happily as I down a shot of fire whiskey

"Happy New Year Mima," he replies and downs his own shot

After a number of shots, he kisses my lips with great force and starts backing me into a wall; I try to verbally get him to stop, but he just keeps kissing me and not letting me breathe. His hands are soon finding his way beneath my shirt and bra; I push him off of me with all my might and start panting for breath...

"What the bloody hell Mima?" He asks between gasps

"I couldn't breathe," I pant

His face suddenly twists from panting in disbelief, to a look of anger and determination as he gets up from where I pushed him onto the couch. He makes his way over to me and attacks my lips again as his hands grope my body in an unpleasant manner, he use to and I don't like it. I try to fight and push him away again, but he just uses all his weight to trap me and make it so I can't move. He forces his tongue down my throat as one of his hands holds my fighting head still by the neck, and his other is under my bra, groping my breast. I thrash my legs about and kick him hard in the shin, causing him to back away from me enough for me to run.

I try and run to and up the stairs to the girls room, but he grabs tight at my wrist as I flea, and pulls me, flinging back so that I'm face down on the couch. I don't remember much, I think I tried to phase it out, but when I come to: he is gone, I'm face up on the couch, my bra lies on the floor along with my shirt in shreds and a red hand print marks my backside and explains the excruciating pain I feel to my shoulder...
(Still beginning of January; end of winter holiday, Harry's p.o.v.)

I never did figure out why it felt as if something was missing, Mum, Dad, and I visited the Weasleys' the moment we found out that Mrs. Weasleys' older brothers had returned. It was like having four times the Fred and George around, Ginny described it as one giant, fun nightmare. Something tells me the Weasleys wizarding wheezes is going to be expanding in the near future. Gideon and Fabian Prewitt are just like Fred and George, it's scary, even Romula almost couldn't tell the four of them apart. It wasn't long after that, that the winter holiday came to an end and we all found ourselves back at school for the remainder of the term.

"I'd ask how everyone's break was," Hermione starts, "but we basically all saw each other."

"I'm glad to meet Uncle Gideon and Fabian," Ginny says, "but with Fred and George," she sighs, "They're just too much to handle."

"They literally wore us out with all their jokes," Ron says, "I can't laugh anymore without my sides hurting."

"Did anyone make a New Years resolution?" I ask

"Graduate valedictorian," Hermione declares

"You can't do something you already know is gonna happen," Ron mutters

"What's yours?" She asks him

"Win the house cup of course," he replies

"What about you Gin?" I ask looking to her

"You first," she says with a smile

"To continue having a normal year," I say smiling, "and win the Quidditch cup."

"Professional Quidditch couches will be scouting," she tells me with a smile, "mine is to be good enough to go pro."

"That's a great one," I smile back at her, "and I know yours will come to pass too."

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