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(The picture above is what I'm using as Astoria Greengrass in her six year at Hogwarts, also, I found two versions of this song this one which has dialogue from the movie it's from in it, and a crappier version that only plays the song; I went with this one b/c of the better quality, so please bare through the dialogue or ignore the song all together, it's your choice. But in my opinion: the song itself is cute and I think fits how this chapter plays out pretty well...& the lyrics are written down as Jemima sings it eventually)

Setting: Early October; a Saturday: the owlry, Jemima's p.o.v.

"It shouldn't hurt," I whisper quietly to Jareth, "I knew this is what would happen when I made the trade, and hurts a lot..."

I look out at the view over the owlry and sigh as I see Draco and Astoria passing by; my heart aches at the sight of their happiness. Astoria all smiling and clinging to Draco, while he looks all content as I watch them head for the black lake; Jareth rubs his head against me in an attempt to get my attention back on him. I sigh and gently pet his head before I send him off with a letter to the new prime minister of magic...

"And remember," I say before sending him off, "make sure you deliver it straight to headmistress McGonagall when you return."

I watch him fly off and then slowly make my way back towards the castle; I pass by other students such as : Luna, Neville etc. who no longer seem to remember me, and my thoughts become melancholy as I think how Harry will soon complete forget me as well. I spot Periwinkle and Remus talking with Jiba as I quietly pass by them unnoticed and feel myself sink farther into sadness. A bunch of first years run past me with Filch chasing after them as I head for the astronomy tower. I climb the spiral staircase slowly as the memories of that night and Headmaster Dumbledore's fall flashes through my mind. I slowly shuffle into the room and just as slowly look around at the quiet, empty space which holds so much tragedy within its circular stone wall.

I walk to the railing at the very edge of it and look out to the skies: the sun beginning to set, a menagerie of shapes within the clouds and a multitude of colors painted over the forbidden forest. There's a slight cool breeze in the air and blows in my face as move some stray hairs behind my ears. I suck in some air, and step up onto the rail as the breeze picks up and ready to let go. Ready to let it all go away, it just as I'm about to let go of the bars, my eyes meet that of a screaming Astoria and Draco looking up at me from the courtyard bellow. Astoria is looking up at me with fright, Draco's eyes are wide as well and just my luck, a crowd is starting to gather.

I let out a reluctant sigh and calmly climb back over the rail before any teachers can be sent for, I look back up at the skies with sadness and longing. I then slowly start to back away, out of the sights of the crowd bellow and make my way slowly in the direction of Slytherin common room. I walk till I reach Myrtle's bathroom, where I find her and Peeves already waiting for me...

"So where did we leave off?" I ask them quiet

"The muggle had just entered the heartsmith's shop," Myrtle says

"Oh yes," I say quietly

"Tell the story! Tell the story!" Peeves chants

"Alright, alright," I say quickly

The muggle was quick to explain his problem to the heartsmith, and show him his heart in hopes the wizard could mend it for him...

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