The Truth

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Setting: just after Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco & Goyle escaped the fire engulfed R. O. R; 3rd person p.o.v.

     Harry pants as he tries hard to focus on finding Voldemort, seeing glimpses of things: a docked boat and the snake; at the same time, where ever Voldemort is...

"My Lord?" Lucius asks, "might it be less, uh..." with caution as he slowly approaches Voldemort, "might it not be more prudent to call of this attack..." he tries to advise, "and simply seek the boy yourself?"

"I do not need to seek the boy," Voldemort says, "before the night is out, he will come to me. Do you understand?"

"..." Lucius cowers before Voldemort

"Look at me," Voldemort says as Lucius flinches, "how can you live with yourself, Lucius?"

"I don't know," he whispers looking directly at Voldemort

"Go and find Severus," Voldemort tells him, "bring him to me."

     Harry opens his eyes again, still shaking like ice had been sent down his backside as he looks to Ron and Hermione and speaks...

"I know where he is," he tells them

     The war rages on as Harry, Ron, and Hermione make their way through the castle; smoke, fire, death eaters are everywhere....

"Come on!" Oliver Wood shouts to others as he leads them in attack from the air

     Harry, Ron, and Hermione hurry through a battle as they make their way down a set of stairs, Harry blocks Hermione from going any further as spell almost hits them, but hits the wall next to him instead. He sends the person who sent it flying backwards with a spell before stepping out. They hurry into the fray of fighting, while dodging spells in the process and run from both a giant and the giant spiders. They stop at the sight of Fenrir Greyback about to night someone...

"No!" Hermione shouts, causing him to look up

     She throws a spell that sends him flying, and Lavender Brown is revealed to be his victim, laying dead with her eyes wide open; no more time to stay, they continue to run and dodge spells and what not. They run until they reach what seems like a dead end, and becoming surrounded by all that chase them. When suddenly Aberforth arrives with a large group of people, and everything coming after the golden trio is sent flying back with a very powerful spell. Everyone turns back to aid in the fight, as Harry and his friends run off in another direction in a hurry to reach where Voldemort is with Snape...
(Harry's p.o.v.)

     We run until we reach the shrieking shack where we slowly enter in on Snape and Voldemort discussing the elder wand that Voldemort is using...

"You have preformed extraordinary magic with this wand, my Lord..." Snape says, "in the last few hours alone."

"No," Voldemort says, "no, I am extraordinary...but the wand resists me."

"There is no wand more powerful," Snape tells him, "Ollivander himself has said it. Tonight, when the boy comes, it will not fail you. I am sure of it. It answers to you...and you only."

"Does it?" Voldemort asks

"My Lord?" Snape asks

"The wand, does it truly answer to me?" Voldemort asks him now circling him, "you're a clever man, Severus. Surely you must know. Where does it's true loyalty lie?"

"With you..." Snape answers, "of course, my Lord."

"The elder wand..." Voldemort starts, "cannons serve me properly because I am not its true master. The elder wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus. While you live, the elder wand cannons truly be mine. You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus..." he tells Snape, "but only I can live forever."

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