At War's End

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Setting: the forbidden forest; just after Voldemort 'killed' Harry, 3rd person p.o.v.

"My Lord?" Bellatrix whispers as Voldemort opens his eyes, "My Lord, are you hurt? My Lord?"

"I don't need your help," he states as she tries to help him stand

"No. Come," she whispers still trying to help

He pushes Bellatrix down as he stands, causing her to whimper; she gets up slowly as Narcissia makes her way towards what appears to be Harry's unmoving body while everyone else stares towards it in question...

"The boy," Bellatrix whispers now standing again, "is he dead?"

Narcissia glances towards the dark lord and death eaters, then turns back to Harry's body and gets down close to check if he is; not because she necessarily wished to aid him, but because she tired of her family being used, and wished to make sure her own son was still alive. Eyeing Harry closely, she manages to confirm his extremely stifled breathing...

"Is he alive?" She whispers for only Harry to hear, "Draco, is he alive?"

All Harry does in response, is move his head very slightly and very slowly, as to confirm to her that her son is still indeed alive. Accepting this answer, she pulls away, stands and turns back to everyone that wait for the results behind her...

"Dead," she tells them straight faced

Voldemort and the death eaters cheer, Voldemort subjects Harry's thought to be dead body to the curio curse and Harry keeps quiet and still. After that, he forces Hagrid to carry Harry's body as they return to the castle; meanwhile, as the day begins a new, Neville limps amongst the rubble and ruins of the now fallen castle. He stops and picks up the old sorting hat, he dusts it off and sighs as he looks it over. He looks up to see the large party of death eaters coming towards the school, and with the hat still at his side, he limps from the rubble a bit. The death eaters make their way down the bridge, following Voldemort and with Hagrid carrying Harry as Neville makes his way closer and others start coming out from the castle to see.

Voldemort walks with Nagini slithering beside him, and all his still standing followers following behind him; he soon stops and looks at all before him...

"Who is that Hagrid's carrying?" Ginny as she, Mr. Weasley, and Neville slowly get closer, "Neville, who is it?"

"Harry Potter!" Voldemort shouts for all to hear, "is dead!"

"No!" Ginny screams running towards them, "No!" She screams as Mr. Weasley grabs her and she almost trips from having still been running

"Silence!" Voldemort snaps as Mr. Weasley pulls Ginny back and more people file out of the castle, "stupid girl," he sneers, "Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith..." he says looking at everyone who opposed him, "in me."

All those still standing on the side of good; their faces fall in horror in the understanding of what this all now means as the creature before them, standing bald, with no eyebrows or nose, evil, snake like eyes and a smile that would make anyone's blood curdle...

"Harry Potter is dead!" He shouts turning back to his followers

They all laugh at this with him-Bellatrix the loudest; the Malfoys', not at all-Voldemort laughs with them and then turns back to those who dared to oppose him...

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