A False Ending

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(Including this one; the next two chapters will have absolutely none of Jemima's p.o.v. , but will resume after the chapter that follows this one. I'm also leaving out Draco p.o.v in this chapter, b/c I have no idea if he would've go to somewhere in the castle, or what, so I'm just going to leave his out until the next chapter at least)

Setting: the castle; after the last chapter, Harry's p.o.v.

     After shrinking the pensieve back down and grabbing it, I make my way out of the headmaster's office and through the quiet ruins that is now the castle. I pause at the top of a set of stairs as Ron and Hermione come into view sitting there, I sigh knowing what I have to do and they look to me as I make my way down towards them both..

"Where've you been?" Hermione asks me as they both stand now

"We thought you went to the forest," Ron says as I keep walking

"I'm going there now," I say as I pass them

"Are you mad?" Ron asks as I keep going, "no."

"..." I just keep walking

"You can't give yourself up to him," Ron says and I stop in my tracks at the top of another set of stairs

"What is it Harry?" Hermione asks me

"..." I take a moment to think about everything I saw, about all that've died

"What is it you know?" She asks me as I turn back around

"..." I start with a shaky breath, "there's a reason I can hear them..." I tell them, "the horcruxes."

"..." they go quiet and Hermione looks away

"I think I've know for a while," I explain as Hermione looks back at me, "and I think you have too."

"I'll go with you," she says starting to cry

"No, kill the snake," I tell her, "kill the snake and then it's just him."

     Crying, she hugs me tight as Ron just stares at us; I look to him for a moment and then pull away from Hermione and continue my way to the forest. I walk straight out of the castle, through the courtyard, past Hagrid's hut and down into the forest. I look around me, feeling fear seep in as I pull out the snitch I caught all those years ago the words I open at the close reveal themselves at once...

"I'm ready to die," I tell myself

I bring the snitch to my lips, breath on it, and pull it away again; as soon as I do, the snitch opens up to reveal it to be a holding case and the thing it's holding comes floating out; the thing it's holding, is the resurrection stone...

"The resurrection stone," I whisper aloud as it falls into my hand

I close my fingers around it, close my eyes and summon back the people I want to see the most before I am to die; the moment I open my eyes and look around me, I see everyone before me: Mum standing directly in front of me, Jemi to her left and dad next Jemi, while Sirius stands to Mum's right, with Remus on his other side. They're all smiling at me, and I feel ready to break down as mum reaches her hand out to me and I go to grab it...but go right through it instead and she lowers her hand...

"You've been so brave sweetheart," she says to me, "you and Jemima both."

"Why are you here?" I ask as I look around, "all of you?"

"We never left," Mum says and smiles

"Does it-?" I stammer as I go to Sirius, "does it hurt?"

"..." he stares at me

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