Rebuilding Hogwarts

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Setting: May 3, 1998; the day after the war ended, 3rd person p.o.v.

"Alright!" Jiba shouts to everyone in what's left of the great hall, "if you have any broken bones go see Madam Pomfrey! Everyone else that is in one piece, start helping to move rubble! The more hands working, the faster we can have Hogwarts rebuilt and ready to be a school again!"

Everyone stands ready to take orders and pitch in to rebuild their school; they all look to Jiba and the other adults for instructions on what to do first...

"Jiba!" Harry calls running up to her

"First and second years: help Filch clear the stairwells!" Jiba shouts, "not now Harry," she says quickly, "third and fourth years take the six towers!"

"You said yesterday that we'd talk today," Harry argues

"And we will," Jiba says, "just not now. Fifth and sixth years take the fist two floors!"

"If not now," Harry says, "then when?"

"Sixth and seventh years take floors two and three!" She barks, "teachers, parents and former students take floors three, four and five!"

"Jiba!" Harry snaps in frustration

"I don't know when Harry," she snaps, "just not now. House elves take floors six, seven and eight; after we clean up the rubble, we'll go from there!"

"What are you going to do?" Ron asks

"Summon Rowena Ravenclaw of course," Jiba says

"Why?" He asks her

"Rowena Ravenclaw is the one who was behind the architect of the school," Hermione explains

"Well don't just stand around you three," Jiba says quickly, "if you've got time to talk and morn, then you've got time to get cleaning with everyone else."

The three go off to start moving rubble as Jiba channels Rowena Ravenclaw and starts to draw up a new set of blue prints to rebuild the school by. Rowena; through Jiba's hand, draws up the same way she had the very first time all those years ago and now knowing of Salazar's secret chamber, she draws up a new use for it. As the days drag on, and the students with broken bone heal, they join the others in the cleaning and rebuilding of the school. By the end of May, all the rubble was clean up and the rebuilding begins with Rowena Ravenclaw barking out the orders through Jiba. Harry in the mean time, is forced to wait for the answers to his burning questions....
(Mid June; nearing the end of the school year, Harry's p.o.v.)

The war now over, Voldemort gone, and the school year nearly finished; the school is nearly half way rebuilt with everyone working together and should be up and running by next term. The only breaks anyone takes are for sleep, and meals...

"I think she's avoiding me," I tell Hermione and Ron at breakfast

"Why would she do that?" Hermione asks me unconvinced

"Maybe she's afraid that he'll ask her something about Sirius," Ron says

"I think she's throwing herself into getting Hogwarts rebuilt quickly so she doesn't think about Sirius," Hermione says, "I don't think she's doing it to avoid you at all Harry."

"Alright everyone!" Jiba's voice rings through the great hall and silences all that are talking, "I want to thank everyone for all their hard work and help to rebuild our proud school," she starts, "we're nearly finished; if we keep going the way are, we should be done between the beginning to middle of July!"

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