Flickering Thoughts, Quidditch, Forced Regret, & Sanctuary

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Setting: Beginning of March; Hospital Wing, Draco's p.o.v.

I wake to the bright lights shining through the hospital wing window and a throbbing headache; looking around me, I find Astoria asleep at the side of my bed, Potter and Weasley in other beds near by and Wibble in the bed directly across from me. I can't remember what happened to me, what the hell happened to Wibble, Potter, and Weasley? I slowly sit up and take my surroundings, it's only when I notice Wibble eyeing me that I slowly slip off of my cot, walk over and take an available seat by her bed. I look her over, slowly and silently taking in Wibble's appearance in horror; why does it make me angry? Why do I feel like I've forgotten something important?

"Take a picture," she croaks out, "it'll last longer."

"What happened?" I ask in a hoarse voice

"Professor Sinistra found you, Potter, and Weasley out cold when she went up to the astronomy tower," she says in a scratchy voice

"I meant what happen to you," I say

"..." she stares at me a moment, and I swear I see sadness or pain grow in her eyes, "What do you recall?"

"..." I go quiet and think for a moment, "The sweethearts dance," I say, straining to recall, "you kissed me..." I whisper, "I kissed you back..." I think and push myself as I feel like there's more to it

I fall to pieces...

each time I see you again...

I fall to pieces...

How can I be just your friend?

You want me to act like we've never kissed...

You want me to forget...

Pretend we've never met...

And I've tried, and I've...

But I haven't yet...

You walk by...

And I...

Fall to pieces...

I fall to pieces...

Each time someone speaks your name...

I fall to pieces...

Time only adds to the flame...

You tell me to find someone else to love...

Someone who'll love me too...

The way you use to do...

But each time I go out...

With someone new...

You walk by...

And I fall to pieces...

You walk by...

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