Beans, Flashbacks & Letters

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Setting: September 1, 1998; King's Cross station, third person p.o.v.

The Weasleys' walk with the Grangers' and the Potter twins to through the normal crowded train station to the barrier leading to platform nine and three quarters. Jemima walks cling to Harry's one arm, as Ginny holds his other hand and Ron and Hermione walk hand in hand. They go through the barrier one right after the other, in no hurry or rush since they managed to arrive early this year and the train wouldn't be leaving for another ten minutes. They took there time saying their fair wells to the Weasleys' and the Grangers' before going to find compartments on the train. The moment Jemima sits down, in the same compartment she'd used every year since first year-with the exception of what should have been her seventh year-the first of the never ending line outside enters.

     She listens quietly and patiently to the new first year as she takes record of their name; by the time the train starts to move, she has half of the new second years finished. Having been listening to others complain about anything and everything as if she were a therapist ever since her first year, she has managed to learn a great deal patiences. Though she does find that most people talk about either the war, or the returns; when she finally finishes with the third years, she breaks for a breather.
(Few hours later; Harry's compartment, Harry's p.o.v.)

"Anything from the trolley dears?" The candy witch ask in passing our compartment

"Berty Bots every flavor beans please," Ron says

"That'll be three sickles dear," she says handing him a box, "anything for you dears?"

"A licorice wand please," I ask, "Gin?"

"A pumpkin Pasty please," she says

"I'm good thank you," Hermione says as I pay for mind and Ginny's candies

"Anyone think Jemi's been acting odd since her return?" I ask I sit back down next to Ginny

"What do you mean?" Hermione asks, "odd how?"

"Yea; no offense mate," Ron starts, "but your twin's always been kinda odd."

"She won't tell me what happened at the Malfoy trial that got her all worked up for one," I tell them as I bite into the licorice wand, "or what deal she made with death for all those that are returning."

"She probably just doesn't wanna worry you Harry," Ginny says with a smile as she grabs my hand
(Half way to Hogwarts; secret Keeper's compartment, Jemima's p.o.v.)

"Anything from the trolley dear?" The candy witch asks in passing as the last fifth year leaves

"One licorice wand and a box of Berty Bots every flavor been please," I ask as the first sixth year enters and takes a seat, "be with in a moment," I tell them as I get out my money from my pocket

"Here you are dear," the candy witch says handing me my candies as I hand her the money

"Alright," I say as I take a seat and pull my parchment, quill and ink back out, "go on."

They start talking about the war and someone they lost during it, after taking note of their name, year and house as per usual, I can't help but zone out. My mind wanders as I stare listening to them; my mind wanders to when I was in the state of Limbo with Dumbledore...

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