Some Place to Start

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(Harry is crossed out in the picture, b/c they don't know he is one yet)

Setting: rewind to when Greyback grabbed Jemima; Harry's p.o.v.

"Harry!" I hear Jemi shout over the screams as I look for her

"..." I turn and catch her bag she threw

"JEMIMA!" I shout as Greyback disaparates with her and Hermione and disaparates Ron and I away as well

We reappear in the middle of on coming traffic and hurry to step out of the way of an on coming bus; Ron and I quickly follow Hermione down the streets as she leads the way. My mind racing with worry for both Ginny and Jemi...

"Where are we?" Ron asks

"Shaftsberry avenue," Hermione tells us, "I use to come to the theater here with mum and dad...I don't know why I thought of it, it just popped into my head, " she says as we keep walking, "this way," she says and leads us down an alley, "we need to change."

She reaches deep into her bag and pulls out clothes for Ron and I and throwing them to us as she reaches in to grab her own change of clothes...

"..." Ron says something

"An undetectable extension charm," Hermione tells us, "Jemima's bag should be the same way."

"Your amazing you are," Ron says

"Always the turn of surprise," she says back as a sound comes from her bag, "ah, that'll be the books."

We go into separate areas of the alley way and quickly change our clothes, I give Jemima's bag over to Hermione and we make our way out of the alley...

"Greyback got Jemi," I state

"..." they stay quiet

"He'll be taking her to Voldemort," I say in frustration

"There's nothing we can for her right now mate," Ron says

"Ron's right," Hermione says, "the best we can do for her right now, is lay low, not get caught, and destroy the last of the Horcruxs."

"Besides," Ron adds, "she's fine right now..."

"..." I stare at him

"I mean, if he was doing something to her," Ron starts, "you'd feel it."

"That's the point Ron," I say, "he likely will do something to her, just so I feel it."

"Think about something else for now Harry," Hermione says as we enter a small cafe

We take a table closest to the door and just quietly try and keep our heads down as well as not draw attention to ourselves, despite the cafe being mostly deserted...

"What about all the people at the wedding?" I ask, "you think that we should go back?"

"There after you mate," Ron says, "you'll put everyone in danger by going back."

"Ron's right," Hermione says

Our conversation is interrupted by the waitress asking us what we want, Hermione orders a cappuccino and Ron and I order the same, the waitress then leaves again...

"So where do we go from here?" Ron asks, "Leaky Cauldron?"

"It's too dangerous," Hermione says, "if Voldemort really has taken over the ministry, then none of the old places are safe. Everyone from the wedding will have gone under ground: into hiding."

"My rucksack with all my things," I realize, "I left it at the burrow."

Hermione quietly shakes her head no as other people enter the cafe and pass by our table to the front counter and I keep my eyes on them as we talk...

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