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Setting: Beginning of June; St. Mungo's Hospital, Jemima's p.o.v.

(In Jemima's comatose state of mind)

"Mima!" A voice calls to me, "where's dinner?!"

"Coming Theo!" I call from where I am in the kitchen

"Mum!" Two or more voices cry from elsewhere

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I sigh tiredly as I bring the food into the dining room

"Took you long enough Mima," Nott says as I set the food down

"Sorry Love," I say quietly as I serve the meals

"Mummy!!" The younger voices shout from an upper level of the house

"Come down stairs and eat!" Nott shouts, "stop shouting...NOW!"

     The sound of four sets of footsteps comes bounding down and soon enough four boys and two: two year old girl in two of their arms stands before me. The oldest boy looks exactly like Theodore, the second oldest looks like Harry or rather my father, the middle child has my hair and Theodore's eyes. The youngest boy who looks no older than five has Harry's eyes and my auburn hair, and finally, the little girls: one looked just like Nott, and the other just like me...

"Give me Racheal and Nora," I say taking the twin girls, "and sit down."

"Mummy I gots an owy," the youngest boy says as he climbs into one of the chairs farther from his father

"Aw, from what Nicholas sweetheart?" I coo

"Stop babying him Mima," Nott says From the head of the table

"From Alfred!" Nicholas cries

"Is that true Alfred?" I ask in shock, "did you hit your brother?"

"What's it matter?" The nine year old boy sitting next his father says "I told him not to touch my stuff and he did anyway; he deserved it."

"He's five," I snap

"Enough Mima," Nott says

"He's a child," I say glaring at my oldest

"I said: enough Jemima!" Nott snaps looking angry, "the boy has to learn at some point."

"Richard why aren't you eating love?" I ask the six year old siting on the other side of me, also far away from his father in a quiet voice

"I don't like carrots," the six year old pouts

"You'll eat what you're mother cooks," Nott threatens, "or go to bed starving."

"He's only six Theo," I try to reason quietly

"Jemima," he says in a warning tone through gritted teeth

"You're gonna get it," the eight year old in the chair on the other side of Nott says

"Quiet Antioch," Nott demands

"May I inquire as to why Nora has hand prints around her little neck?" I ask eyeing the two eldest boys, "and why Racheal has a black eye?"

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