Return of Ron

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Setting: its either still December or early January; the camp, Jemima's p.o.v.

The river waters slowly down the stream and the camp fire slowly dwindles as Hermione and I sit against trees, covered in blankets and reading as Harry emerges from the tent...

"Are you feeling better?" Hermione asks and I look up to where his is

"..." he doesn't answer, but instead look around, "you've outdone yourself Hermione," he says as he walks around

"The Forest of Dean," she tells him as he comes and sits with me, "came here once with mum and dad...years's just how I remember it," she says looking around, "the trees, the river;, nothing's changed. Not true of course; everything's changed," she says getting kinda mopey, "brought my parents back here now, they probably wouldn't even recognize it...not the trees, or the river...not even me."

"..." Harry and I just look at her

"Maybe we should just stay here Harry," Hermione says, "grow old..."

"Well," I say cutting in, "whatever is decided, I'm on board; I'm following you two..."

"You wanted to know who the boy in the photograph was," Hermione says, "I know: Gellert Grindelwald," she says handing him her book

"He's the their I saw in Gergoravich's wand shop," Harry says , "and speaking of which; where is my wand?" He asks and we both look reluctant to tell as he looks between us, "where's my wand Hermione; Jemi?"

Hermione gets up from where she sits and shows him the broken wand, desperately trying explain what happened and apologize for it, while I can feel his annoyance growing...

"It's done!" He snaps at her

"Harry," I hiss at him

"One of you leave me yours," he says as he stands, "both of you go inside and get warm; I'll take the locket as well."

"No," I state as I stand, "I'll take it this time."

"Jemi," he sighs, "just give me your wand and go get some rest please."

"Fine," I sigh in reluctance, "I'll bring you something hot."

"Thanks," he mutters as I hand him my wand

"And Harry..." I start

"Yea?" He asks looking to me

"Be careful with my wand," I warn

"I'm not going to break it," he says flatly

"I didn't mean it like that," I tell him, "I just meant that it's powerful; when I first got it from Olivander, he warned me that it was unlike any other. That there is only one other like it in the world, that it was made by the greatest wand...a wand that many witches and wizards covet and what I'm giving you is its exact double; forged from pure magic from a wand made by death or something..." I tell him, "I kind of got lost at that point, but the warning seemed real just be careful alright?"

"Yea," he says

I hurry inside and make him a cup of warm tea, I wrap an extra blanket around me and go see what Hermione's up to as I wait for the water to boil...

"What're reading?" I ask her

"I found a grave with same symbol as in my book within the graveyard back in Godric's Hollow," she tells me as start to get tea cups and saucers out

"What was the name on the grave?" I ask

"I doubt you'd know it," she says, "I didn't even recognize it."

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