Moony, Snape, & Howler

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Setting: Hogwarts; the welcome feast, after the sorting ceremony-3rd person p.o.v.

"Welcome and welcome back to what will hopefully be a much sounder year at Hogwarts," headmistress McGonagall starts, "I would like to start by welcoming back former defense Against the Dark Arts teacher: Professor R. J. Lupin, who has agreed to resume the post..."

     Everyone claps and cheers at the return of one of their favorite DADA professor and then settle down as McGonagall starts to speak again...

"I would also like to welcome our new temporary transfigurations teacher: Professor Periwinkle Pettigrew and Professor Terlawney's retirement," she continues, "the position of divinations Professor has be filled by Ms. Jiba Blue and I am pleased to inform all that the position of deputy head, shall be filled by former potions master: Professor Snape."

All the Slytherins clap and cheer, but the entire rest of the hall falls silent with the exception of Harry clapping along side the slytherins' now that he knows the truth about Snape. McGonagall finishes her speech by reminding everyone the forbidden forest is strictly our of bounds to everyone. Upon the end of the feast, the new head boy and girl: Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, give the house prefects: Harry for Gryffindor, Jemima Potter/Wibble for Slytherin, Luna Lovegood for Ravenclaw and some boy for Hufflepuffs' the passwords to the portraits. The prefects give the passwords out to the other years, and being leading the first years to the portrait and telling them a bit about the castle as they went. The Hufflepuffs' were first to leave, followed by the Ravenclaws as Luna told them some sort of nonsense that either was half true, or not true at all.
(Jemima's p.o.v.)

I watch as Harry leads the Gryffindors away and find myself wondering how long it will be before he starts to forget me, and if Draco has already started. I glance over to where Draco sits with Goyle, Blaise, Pansy, Daphne and find what looks like him flirting with Astoria; I look away as a first year pulls on my robs...

"If it's a question about my eyepatch," I sigh, "no, I wasn't cursed and I'm not showing you what's underneath; don't need you writing home that the prefect gave you nightmares."

"Can we ask about the war?" A girl asks

"..." I'm silent for a moment and then let out a breath, "how many of you have questions about the war?"

"..." at least half of the twenty that got into Slytherin raise their hands

"And how many of you have questions about the returns?" I ask

"..." the rest of them raise their hands

"Huh," I sigh again, "alright, here's how this is going to work; you've got a question about either subject, come to me. And I will do my best to answer them. Do not bother other upper class men as both are sensitive subjects and the war itself is not something people necessarily like to or want to remember, is that understood?"

"..." they all nod

"Good," I say, "now follow me and I'll shower you to the Slytherin dormitories," I begin walking away

"What about our questions?" A first year boy complains

"I will answer them starting tomorrow," I state as we walk, "it's been a long day and a long train ride," I says as we go in the direction of the dungeons, "now who can tell me something about Slytherin house?"

"The bloody Barron is its house ghost!" A girl calls out enthusiastically from the back

"That is correct," I say as I see a book coming at my head, "Knock it off Peeves!" I snap at the air as I catch it

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