Price of Returning

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(This chapter will be in Jemima and third person p.o.v.'s only; takes place at the same time as the last two chapters)

Setting: rewind back to just after Jemima died, before Harry learns the truth; Jemima's p.o.v.

     I open my eyes slowly and let them adjust; I blink a few times as I sit up confused as to where I am and what's happened to me. I touch a hand to my left eye, only to find my eyepatch is gone and my eye is in place instead; slowly I get to my feet and continue to slowly look about my surroundings. Everything is white, and clean, and familiar, yet not familiar at all...

"Where am I?" I whisper quietly

"Funny," comes a familiar voice and I turn to it, "I was going to ask you that."

"Professor," I say in disbelief, "that's not possible; you're dead," I state, "unless of course...I'm...dead..."

"Where do you think we are Jemima?" Dumbledore asks me

"..." I take a look around me again, "King's Cross station I'd say..." I turn back to him, "only quieter...and cleaner."

"King's Cross," he repeats

"I'm confused sir," I say, "am I dead?" I ask him, "if not, then what am I doing here?"

"You are in..." he starts, "a sort of between state dear girl," he tells me, "you can go back-"

"I can?" I ask

"Oh yes," he tells me as we start to walk, "I believe you have unfinished business to tend to; however, I believe that you also have business to tend to on the other side as well."

"I do?" I ask confused

"I believe..." he says glancing over at me as we walk, "you have some correcting to do."

"..." I stop and stare at him, "but where do I start?" I ask him, "I can't use it if I'm dead."

"As I've already told you Jemima," he starts, "you're not dead, but in an in between state..."

"So then I need to make a deal with death for the lives lost," I realize, "but where do I find death?"

"I believe," he starts now directly in front of me, "you have one last thing to do, before you can start"

"Sir?" I ask confused

"You're a bright witch Jemima," he says with a smile, "I should have thought that you would have figured it out by now."

"Figured what out sir?" I ask

"Well, why it is Harry could hear the other horcruxes of course," he tell me

"..." I go silent for a moment, "it's because he is one..." I say quietly, "isn't it?"

"And I assume you recall the ending to the tale of the three brothers?" He replies

"It was that 'the third and youngest brother greeted death like an old friend after many years,' but what-" I start still confused

"I suspect Harry'll be joining us here soon," he tells me, "but I think we'll make our deal later."

"You're d-death professor," I stutter out

"In a way: I suppose so," he says, "I believe everyone's waiting for you."

"You mean on the other side sir?" I ask

"That's right," he says and holds up his arm me to take, "come with me."
(3rd person p.o.v.)

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