Bye Ron; Hello Jemima

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(Image is only to show how short Jemima's hair is now)

Setting: either October or November; night time, Harry, Ron & Hermione's campsite-Harry's p.o.v.

     I sit perfectly still as Hermione cuts my hair with scissors we found in Jemi's bag-I swear, it's like she packed an entire house of stuff in there-I zone worrying about her...

"Oh my god," Hermione says as she suddenly stops cutting my hair

"What?" I ask nervously and feel where she was cutting as she walks away

"I'll tell you in a minute," she says as she walks away

"May-be you could tell me now?" I say as I follow her

"The sword of Gryffindor," she says looking at me from her book, "it's goblin made."

"Brilliant," I say not getting it

"No, you don't understand," she says explaining it, "dirt and rust have no effect on the blade," she says as she shows me the book, "it only takes in that which makes it stronger..."

"M...k..." I say looking between the book and her, still not getting it

"You already destroyed one horcrux right?" She starts as I take the book, "Tom Riddle's diary in the chamber on secrets."

"With a basilisk fang," I say, "if you're telling me that you've got one of those in that bloody beaded bag of your-"

"Don't you see?" She asks, "in the chamber of secrets, you stabbed the basilisk with the sword of Gryffindor; its blade is impregnated with basilisk venom."

"It only takes in that in which makes it stronger," I repeat as I sit down at the table with her

"Exactly," she says, "which is why-"

"It can destroy Horcruxs," I finish for her

"That why Dumbledore left it you in his will," she finishes, "that and apparently it's yours and Jemima's to begin with..."

"You're brilliant Hermione," I state as I look over the page, "truly."

"Actually, I'm highly logical," she says, "which allows me to look past exstrenuous detail and perceive clearly that which others over look."

"Yea," I say not really listening, "there's only one problem with it-"

     The lights around us suddenly go out and we look to the entry way as Ron's figure comes into view and he brings back the light to the tent...

"It was stolen," he says, "yea, I'm still here; but you two carry on, don't let me spoil all the fun."

"..." I close the book and then turn to him in my seat, "what's wrong?"

"Wrong?" He repeats, "nothings wrong; not according to you anyway."

"Look, if you've got something to say, don't be shy," I tell him, "spit it out."

"Alright, I'll 'spit it out' but don't expect me to be grateful just because now there's another dam thing we've gotta find," he says angrily

"I thought you knew what you signed up for," I say getting angry

"Yea," he says, "I thought I did too."

"Well then I'm sorry," I say now standing, "what part of this isn't living up to your expectations?" I ask getting angrier as I walk over to him, "I mean, d-did you think we were going to be staying in a five star hotel, finding a horcrux every other thought you'd be back with your mum by Christmas?"

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