The 3 Who Embodied Death

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(If you don't feel like reading the tale of the three brothers when you come to it in this chapter, then just play the song, you'll get the gif of it)

Setting: not sure how much time as passed or if it's the next day, but where ever they are, there's no snow and it's day time; Jemima's p.o.v.

"Your not still mad are you?" I hear Harry whisper to Hermione as we near the Lovegood house

"I'm always mad at him," she tells him quietly

"Luna," Ron says as well stop to stare at the beauty of the odd house

"Luna," Harry and Hermione chime

"Yay!" I shout as I toss my  bag to Harry, "last one there is dragon dung!"

"Jemi!" Harry yell as I run, "get back here and carry your own dam bag!"

"Make me four eyes!" I laugh as I run

     I run all the way to the door and sit on the steps to wait for the others who are taking forever by just walking soooo slowly-it's annoying really...

"God you three are slow," I groan

"Well then you shouldn't have gone running off," Harry says

"Mm!" I stick my tongue out at him as he throws my bag back at me and I catch it, "you don't let me have any fun," I pout

"This is a war Jemima," Hermione reminds me, "not a vacation."

"Dad," I whine in Ron's direction, "tell mum to leave me be," I say referring to Hermione

"What?" Ron says with a gulp as his face goes red

"Hahaha!" I crack up laughing, "your face is priceless!"

"Alright Jemi," Harry says, "you've had your fill, now get up."

"Anything for you brother dear," I say as I calm down and stand up

"Keep off the dirigible plums," Ron reads as Hermione knocks on the door

     After a few moments, Mr. Lovegood answers the door, looking rather slightly unhinged and extremely cautious as he eyes the lot of us...

"What is it?" He asks, "who are ya; what do ya want?"

"Well how do ya do to you too," I mutter as my smile fades

"Hello; Mr. Lovegood," Harry says from the back, "I'm Harry Potter, we met a few months ago..."

"..." Mr. Lovegood stares at us with uneasy clearly writing all over his face

"Can we come in?" Harry asks making his way to the front

"Please," I add, "Jemima Potter; this ones twin, and a friend of Luna's."

     Mr. Lovegood shows us inside to a small sitting room which only holds four chairs, so I make myself comfortable on my brother's lap-much to his discomfort and displeasure. We all sit in silence for a bit...

"Where's Luna?" Hermione asks

"Luna..." Mr. Lovegood repeats, "she'll be along," he says before looking away

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