Escaped & Caged

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Setting: Middle of a forest; after escaping from the ministry, Harry's p.o.v.

     I lay on the ground for a moment, taking in my surroundings before I look to my left and see the locket; I hurry to stand and grab it from the ground. Its as I feel Jemi's depression kicking in that I notice Ron on the ground and Hermione trying to comfort him as I get closer...

"Harry; Harry quickly in my bag," she tells me as she shushes Ron, "there's a bottle labeled essence of disomean."

     I hurry and start digging through her bag, pulling things out as I can but am failing to find it as she shouts for me to be quicker and I use the accio charm. I'm quick to bring her the bottle and she hurries to apply the contents to Ron's arm as she explains why we're in a forest instead of Grimauld place. When Ron starts to calm down, she stands with her wand in hand and I change to his other side as she walks away. She starts doing protective charms and tells me to put up the tent, I question this and then look to her bag. When I finish the tent and Hermione's done with the protective charm,  we help Ron in and my worries for Jemi start to kick in again.

"Jemima to you to destroy her wand Harry," Hermione says as she goes through my twin's bag of stuff

"I know that Hermione," I state

"Then why haven't you?" She asks

"What if she escapes?" I ask, "she'll need it."

"She's not completely defenseless without it mate," Ron says

"Maybe not in school," I say, "or against a muggle, but against enemy wizards I beg to differ."

"Didn't she take that class on apparating with you last year Hermione?" Ron asks

"She did but-" Hermione starts

"She likely won't use it when she's where Malfoy is," I say bitterly

"I was going to say that she likely wouldn't remember that she can now us it without the worry of under age magic," Hermione says, "'s possible that that's a factor in this too..."

"Possible?" I almost snap, "you're joking?"

"It's getting late," Hermione says, "we should get some sleep."
(During the night; Malfoy Manner, Jemima's p.o.v.)

I lay on the stone floor with my back to the gate, just staring at the wall within the darkness; no longer caring if I get free of this cage or not...

"Jemima," comes Draco's whispering voice from the gate as he comes through it, "Jemima where are you..."

"Periwinkle is dead..." I whisper

Nothing more is said and all that's heard are his footsteps coming in my direction and the sound of him siting down behind me, next thing I feel, is his hands running gently through my hair...

"I brought you some of Nyx's old clothes," he whispers

"How is she?" I whisper with a quiet sniffle

"Fine mostly," he whispers, "she's worried about you."

"And how are you?" I ask

"Scared," he replies quietly

"We're all scared," I whisper now sitting up

"You don't seem to be," he says

"Some people are just better at hiding their fears," I whisper back, "why are you risking seeing me?"

"To get you out of here," he whispers

"No," I state firmly

"Hear me out," he whisper snaps

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