Note to Readers!

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     Thank you all so much for reading Unsavible, I hope you all enjoyed it! Now, I wanna hear from all my H. P. fanfic readers out there! What character's life do you wanna read about next: Sigrid Black, Romula Lupin,or Nyx Weasley (née. Malfoy)? Periwinkle Pettigrew will be getting a story as well, but I wanna save hers for after Sigrid,and Romula at least. I do plan on doing three stories based in the marauders era, but not until after I've finished the ones in the golden trio era. I will be writing a story on what happens to Jemima after Hogwarts is over, but only after I've gotten her friends stories out of the way. So let me know which of her friends you want to read about next, thanks again for reading, and if you're a Marvel's fan-check out the few avengers fanfics I have so far! Okay, that's all for now!

Write ya all real soon!

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