Here Again

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Setting: forest that the four aparate to, Evening time-I think, Harry's p.o.v.

"That treacherous little bleeder," Ron says as we all start standing, "is there no one we can trust?"

"They kidnaped her because he supported me," I say as dust myself off, "he was just desperate."

"I'll do the enchantments," Ron says turning away

"Harry," Jemi calls out from where she still lies on the ground just as the rest of us notice that we're surrounded by snatchers: Scabior, Greyback, and many others, "Harry..."

"Hello beautiful," Scabior says to Hermione as one one of them picks up Jemi and Ron, Hermione and I take off running, "well don't hang about! Snatch em!"
(3rd person p.o.v.)

     Harry, Ron, and Hermione take off running into the woods as all the snatchers accept the one holding Jemima, takes off after the three with Greyback. The three run as quickly as their legs will carry them while dodging spells being thrown at them, as well as fallen trees and things on the ground. Ron is the first to be caught, but Harry and Hermione keep going as quickly as they can. Hermione soon stops seeing nowheres else to go, and sends a spell at Harry as he comes running in right behind her. Upon hitting the ground, Harry has a vision of Grindelwald telling Voldemort that the elder wand now lies with Dumbledore.

     Hermione quickly collapses to the ground and Harry warns her as the snatchers reappear, carrying Jemima-who's still out of it-and grab them...

"Don't touch her!" Ron says before Scabior punches him in the gut

"Your boyfriend'll get much worse than that," Scabior says

"Get off me," Hermione says struggling

"If he doesn't learn to behave himself," Scabior finishes as he makes his way to Harry, "what happened to you ugly?"

"..." both Greyback and Harry look to him

"No not you," Scabior says to Greyback and looks to Harry, "what's your name?"

"Dudley; Vernon Dudley," Harry says

"Check it!" Scabior says

"And you?" He says going to Hermione, "my lovely."

"Penelope Clearwater," Hermione tells him, "Half blood," she says as he touches her face and gets closer, almost like he planned to kiss her or something

"There's no Vernon Dudley on here," the man with the list says as Harry struggles

"You hear that Ugly?" Greyback says to Harry as Scabior walks away from Hermione, "this is a lie, how come you don't want us to know who you are?"

"It's wrong," Harry says, "I told you who I am."

"Can I stand now?" Jemima asks slowly as her mind clears only slightly

"..." the snatcher puts her down, but keeps a hold on her

"What's going on?" She asks in confusion the moment her feet touch the ground

"Who's this one?" Scabior asks the auburn haired girl

"..." Jemima opens her mouth to speak

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