Nothing Lasts Forever

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Setting: mid June; Jemima's return to Hogwarts, 3rd person p.o.v.

All is quiet in the great hall as everyone is sitting and eating breakfast and chatting away happily, when, suddenly, the large doors burst open; so fast and so loud when they bang into the walls behind them with great force. McGonagall stands from the head chair at the teachers table and all eye turn to the entrance as an auburn haired girl with one eye and a banged up face stands in the center of the open door way. No words are spoken as the girls eye slowly scans the surroundings and a smirk appears on her face as her eye stops at the Slytherin table. Everyone remains quiet as they watch her walk over to the Slytherin table, get up on top of it, walk a little further and stop near the center and between some plates of food. Her eye stays trained on one Slytherin boy, while all eyes stay trained on her as her smirk turns into a glare...

"Hello Theo," she growls

"Mima, get off the table," his whisper hissing is heard

"No," she states firmly

"Get off the table now," he hisses, "you're making a scene."

"Oh-ho no Theodore sweetheart," she laughs with a crazy look in her eye, "I'm making a statement."

"W-" he starts

"So listen up ass-rag!" She continues over him as she points the finger at him, "You; you are a sick twisted fuck with control issues," she states as she pulls off her engagement ring, "you don't want a girlfriend or wife, you want a servant and punching bag; well it's not going to be me anymore," she says as she throws the ring in his face, "I'm done putting up with you and your shit, because we are through," she continues, "you don't need me or any other girl, you need help," she crouches down to where her eye is level with his, "and I hear St. Mungo's or Azkaban could be a great help with that," she whispers to him

"Why you-" he starts to launch for her neck

"Ah, Ah, Ah," she smiles as she stands quickly, "lay even a finger on me, and I'll have a self defense reason to kick your pure blood ass from here to Norway: the place your last name origins from," she smiles deviantly

"..." he seems to freeze mid launch

"And lets not forget out rather very large and very present audience," she continues to smile as she gestures to the eyes around them, "so what's it gonna be Nott?"

He glares angrily at her, for the loss of control and power over her; that she was now calling him out on it, very publicly and before literally everyone. The anger consuming him, he grabs her ankle as to make to pull her off the table by it...

"Wrong answer," She snarls

She grabs his grip on her ankle and rips it from her person before quite literally lifting him from his seat and throwing with great force across the hall and into one of the stone walls. His body slams into the stones with a loud thud as she makes her way back down the long table, steps off, and stands before him unafraid of him anymore...

"..." he glares up at her, slightly disoriented and his eyes screaming 'you bitch.'

"It's called backbone baby," she says as she gives him a hard kick in the gut, "here's hoping your next victim has more of it," she adds as she kicks him in the face next, "stay the hell away from."

"What about-" he starts to croak out

"It's dead," she states sending one last swift kick to the one place no man ever wants to be kicked, "You even think about coming near me ever again, I WILL castrate and neuter you so that can NEVER sire offspring with anyone Ever I make myself clear Theodore Nott?"

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