11. Not Her Type

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Luckily for her, she'd gone through the rest of the day without a hitch, trying her very best to stay out of Kaiden's way.

She'd set a new alarm and now she had an hour to get to work. She checked her watch as she climbed out of her car. 7:48 am. She let out a sigh of relief. She'd like to see the look on his face when he sees she arrived before him.

She took the elevators quickly, avoiding anything and anyone who could get in her way, and when the elevator doors opened, she nearly skipped at the sight of his closed doors with no light showing through.

Gathering her things in one hand she pushed the door open and squealed in fright at the bulking shadow in her seat.

"Well, that certainly woke me up." Kaiden dryly replied as he got up from her quaint chair and rounded the table to where Ella stood, clutching her chest in fright as her heart beat abnormally she was afraid it was going to rip from her ribcage.

"You don't have spare bulbs in here. Mine is drained, I think."

Still terrified, her mind still in a state of panic, Ella watched him wide-eyed as he quirked an eyebrow. Shaking her head she replied. "I - I don't thi- no, I'm not sure, I do."

He nodded and walked past her giving her a whiff of the manly scent he possessed. It clouded her thoughts until he spoke. "Call maintenance. Have them change it." He walked through the door, stopped then turned his head slightly. "And the instruction was eight sharp, not before, or after. Eight on the dot." And he walked out the light sound of his shoe the only sound to be heard.

She nearly let out a curse at the sound of the oak doors closing.

What kind of a creep was he? Seating in the dark like some sort of... She shook her head and arranged her belongings on her table opening the curtains to let out his scent. It wouldn't benefit her to work with his alluring scent lingering and confusing her even more.

She called up maintenance and put in the code to let them up, showed them Kaiden's office before taking a breather and calming her nerves. The sound of her phone's notification tone shocked her out of her state of calmness and she quickly grabbed her phone to read the text.

It was a text from Alex.

Hey sweetie! Left early. Everything O K ?

Ella sighed and peeked through her door. Kaiden's door was opened widely and she could see the maintenance guy -Bob- changing the ceiling lights. She hurriedly typed a reply.

I swear I'm not gonna live to thirty if I keep on working like this."

The floating dots appeared, showing Alex was replying. He sounds like a difficult man.

Ella groaned and replied backing away from the door and slowly walked towards Kaiden's office.

He's probably the sexiest man I've come across in my entire life. Yet he's also the most sexist, arrogant, creepiest asshole I'll ever have the pleasure of mee-

A force knocked her off her feet and before she could brace herself for impact, a hand grabbed her and pulled her closer to a sturdy chest. She opened her eyes slowly and came face to face with... of course it was him. Seems like fate had something against her.

"This is really becoming a habit."

She swallowed trying not to let his deep baritone voice, heady manly scent and muscular arms deceive her. She was stronger than that. She wasn't going to pay attention to how solid his chest was, or how she could feel the hard planes of his abs underneath, or the way his muscular arms fit in the dip of her back, or how close his lips wer-

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