25. Predator and Prey

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Ella stood frozen to the spot. What does one do in situations like this?

She gripped the doorknob tighter as she struggled to come up with a response. Unfortunately, her chaotic brain had gone into sleep mode it seemed and her mind was blank.

"Annabella, we have to discuss it."

She exhaled, counting in her head, then with a confidence she didn't know she had, she faced Kaiden where he stood, watching her closely with a steady gaze and hands crossed. "What is there to talk about?"
That question took him off guard it seemed, as he frowned looking both surprised and confused. He stood straight and unfolded his arms. He took a step towards her, eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

Ella shrugged feigning nonchalance. "There isn't anything to talk about."

He's frown deepened as he advanced a step more. "You kissed me."

"And I apologize." She inhaled lowering her head. "I was drunk and-"
"Why are you apologizing?"

She stopped talking, lifting her head in surprise. "What?"
He shook his head to himself, still looking confused. "I don't understand why you're apologizing>"
"I made a mistake by kissing you and-"
"I kissed you too."

She stopped. He did. He had kissed her back. He'd done more than kiss her. She closed her eyes as images of her on the desk came back, Kaiden biting, licking, and nibbling on every bit of skin that was available to him, leaving fire in its wake and lighting a fire in her thinking about it now made her knees weak. She raised her gaze to his and found herself unable to look away, even when he moved towards her, eyes firmly fixed on her.

He stopped when he was a few paces in front of her. "I kissed you too. So why are you apologizing?"

Ella frowned. "It was wrong and I was drunk... and if I recall clearly, so were you."

Something flashed in his eyes as he visibly tensed. He stayed quiet, just watching her. "I had one drink. I wasn't drunk, Annabella, and even if I were, I'm not the kind of man who acts out when inebriated."
Her heart pounding, Ella swallowed. "I don't understand." What was he trying to say? Whatever it was, she wasn't sure she'd like it.

Kaiden exhaled, his gaze softening he dropped his hands to his sides. "I kissed you too." He got closer to her, and slowly as if not to startle her, raised his hand and placed it on her cheeks softly, unable to resist the urge, she leaned into his hold exhaling as a sense of comfort washed over her, he smiled at this. "I wanted to kiss you. I've been thinking about kissing you since the first day you walked into this office, Ms. Whistledown."

She could hear her own heart pounding as butterflies danced in her stomach. She wasn't supposed to feel like this. She can't feel like this.

Dismissing the fact that the man in front of her confessing his desires was her boss, she couldn't walk down the relationship path again, and this, everything was crazy. They hadn't known each other for that long, yet here he was, beautiful as he was telling her about his urges to kiss her.

"Kaiden, we haven't," She tried to look away from him, not being able to stand looking into those eyes, but he stopped, keeping a firm but gentle hold on her jaw, he kept her gaze on his. "we can"t."

He tilted his head, eyes scanning her face, he finally settled on her lips, fixated on it his tongue darting out to wet his. Ella felt her knees weaken further as arousal fogged her thoughts. "Why not?"

Breathing was hard now, her lips parted as she struggled to get out as much air as she could. At the sight of her open lips, his eyes narrowed and he pulled her closer to him, his free hand encircling her waist.
God, but the man was distracting. What was she saying again? She couldn't remember. She tried to think of something, anything to say, but her mind came up blank. All she could think about was that moment in his office, her dreams, and how better his kisses were in real life.

"Why?" His voice had dropped lower, almost like a whisper, and she could feel his hot minty breath against her lips. "You've been thinking about it too. You said that much, Annabella." His hold on her waist became tighter as he pressed her against him. "Tell me I imagined it."
He lowered his head, bringing his lips closer to hers. All she had to do was tiptoe, and they'd be kissing. She'd feel that otherworldly connection again. Feel her skin tingle, her sex-

"No. You didn't." She said firmly. "But as I said, I was out of it. I was drunk and my actions weren't mine."

That didn't please him she realized, as he tensed, his eyes meeting hers, and it was hard to dismiss the anger in them. Yet, he had a small smile on his face. Like he knew something she didn't. Before she could dwell on it any further, he released, taking a few steps back.

"Your actions weren't your own." He said quietly. She didn't think he needed an answer so she gave him none. Instead, she watched him closely, trying to gauge what he was thinking. Working for him, she'd realized he had a complex way of thinking. Almost sly. She'd only seen him use it for business, but now he was using it on her. Her arousal hit a new high.
He stayed quiet, eyes on the floor. Her skin prickled and her thoughts ran wild. The last time she felt like this was Halloween, twelve years ago, when she and Alex had gone into a haunted house together and she wasn't sure what was gonna happen or when.

But now, the feeling seemed... deeper. And instead of feeling terrified, she felt her clit throb as she watched him. He was a big man, shoulders broad, and having felt what was under his shirt the last time they were in this office, her imagination had better imaging.

Suddenly, he looked at her, and she held her breath, trying to keep her knees from giving out. Before she had time to react, he closed the little space between them, staring down at her like a predator watching its prey.
He exhaled deeply, his hand coming up to play with a strand of her hair. Her heart was beating fast as she was left to ponder what his next move would be.

"Tell me something, Annabella..." She felt herself tilt towards him. She bit her lips and dug her nails into her palm all in an attempt to keep herself in control. Even though she knew she'd lost it a long time ago. He let the strand of hair fall, his fingers lightly tracing her neck, the exact spots he'd showered with bites and kisses. She felt her wetness soak her panties as a light shiver went through her. Kaiden smirked.
He abandoned the spot, touching her collarbone. She almost whimpered. His free hand behind her back, he slowly untucked her blouse from her skirt. Mesmerized with the man before her, all she could do was watch... and wait and hope.

Slowly his hands went up her blouse, staying below her bra. He stopped, his fingers drawing lazy circles on her sensitive skin. He seemed to be asking permission, and when she didn't pull away or give any signs of disapproving, his smirk widened and with one move, he unbuckled her bra.

She gasped. "Kaiden."

He pressed her against him, his impressive hard-on pressing her stomach. Her throat locked up.

Slowly his hand on her back made its way to her front, still tracing patterns until his hands rested beneath the swell of her breast and her hardened nipples. Her heartbeat increased. She was panting now, like a dog in heat. One move and his finger would be on her nipple. And she knew if that happened, she'd come on the spot.

Kaiden hummed. "You feel that, don't you?" He blew a hot breath against her temple and faced her again. "Your body's reaction to me." He waited for a response, but there was no way Ella was opening her mouth. "You see, you say one thing, but your body tells me another. I can feel the goosebumps..." He lowered his voice again. "I can feel your heartbeat. I can feel this." And finally, he closed the distance, brushing her hardened nipple lightly. Unable to hold back, she let out a moan and pressed herself against his erection, trying to get a little friction. Kaiden groaned. His free hand wrapped around her neck, Ella felt herself grow wetter, her sex was pulsing so much now, and she knew if she got the friction she needed, she'd come in a second.

He growled softly in her ear. "You can lie, gattina, but this, your body can't. You're a challenging woman, Annabella Hart. But that's fine," He lowered his lips to her ear. "I love challenges."

Then he pulled away, sly expression gone, face impassive. He grabbed his uneaten lunch and jacket before walking out of the office, leaving Ella on the brink of an orgasm.

In the empty room, hot and bothered, Ella whispered to herself. "What the hell?"

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