18. Battle Of Self

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The elevator pinged indicating Ella's arrival at Kaiden's office

 floor. The doors slowly opened as she clutched her purse to her chest trying to calm her radically beating heart.

She was nervous. If her racing heart wasn't sign enough, then her sweaty palms and flushed expression were.

The dinner had been replaying in her head nonstop for the last two days. The weekend provided the break she needed, and Jamie the distraction she needed. Jamie had informed her he'd only be staying for two days, saying he had a client he had to meet and decided to pop in but promised to spend more time when they met for Christmas.

They'd spent the entire night talking, catching up on each other's lives. Jamie lived in London where he was partner of his father's law firm. Thirty-one years old and already so successful. Ella was proud of him considering he'd been the wildest one amongst the three of them growing up. A trait Ella got from him.

But the weekend was over and now she had to face him, while trying to keep out all indecent thoughts, no matter how difficult that may be.

Exhaling, she stepped off the elevator, only to see the slender yet muscular form of Anthony who was already waiting with a cup of coffee in hand.

"Hey, Tony." He smiled at her and Ella didn't miss the dull look in his eyes. He also had eye bags, and his complexion looked paler than usual. "Are you okay?"

He nodded and stopped wincing almost like the act hurt him. "Yeah, just a little late-night drinking with the boys. Poker last night."

Ella nodded and examined the other guys noticing they had the same hungover look on their faces. She felt sorry for them. "Sorry."

He nodded and stopped again cursing under his breath. "Well, I actually wanted to see the boss, I have something I need him to look over, but..." He leaned closer to her like he wanted to whisper a dark secret. "I really don't know how to go about it."

She smiled understanding his situation. Kaiden was a frightening man, not on purpose just the aura he gave off. "What is it?"

"There's a slight glitch in the code script and seeing as he wrote the code, I'm just trying to understand this better, but I'm not Einstein and this looks like it was written by Einstein."

This surprised her. "Kaiden wrote the code?"

He nodded. "Best programmer we have in this company. And I mean the entire company. He started off as one before he got promoted to development, then head of development, then CEO, now chairman."

They began walking as they spoke and she listened attentively drinking as much information of him as she could. "He started from the very bottom of the food chain for someone whose father owns the company."

Still processing this new bit of information, she felt her attraction towards him grow. Knowing he wasn't some entitled snob who had everything in life handed to him on a silver platter. This thought in mind, turned the doorknob only to have the door swing open with force while her weight rested on it.

Eyes wide she watched in slow motion as Kaiden's perplexed face came into few on the other end of the door, just before she fell face first to the floor.

Well, isn't this a great way to start the day.

She stayed still, lips literally kissing the floor as she prayed for the floor to open up and swallow her. She was like a walking disaster.

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