37. One Hot Evening

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Kaiden was on the patio. He'd informed her he had ordered something for them to eat and it was being set out there.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled, thanking whoever the genius was behind Victoria's Secret.
Smoothing a hand down the pale pink silk, she tugged on the bow again, admiring how it teasingly followed her curves making the attire come off as not too open, but decent with a hint of naughty.

She'd bought the silk set with her first paycheck, and while she had cried at the amount that time, now, she couldn't help but thank the universe for leading her to that store that day.

She fluffed her hair again and applied another layer of gloss and mascara before she felt she was ready to go. Slipping on the furry loafers provided by the hotel, she walked out of her room and headed to the patio, heart racing, and her arousal already spiking, she pushed the doors open and inhaled the fresh evening air along with freshly baked croissant.

Kaiden sat at the table, glasses on as he read through a file in his hands, and Ella had to remind herself that right at that moment, she was the one in charge, no matter how good he looked in a simple shirt and those damned glasses.

She pulled the empty chair out, purposely drawing his attention. He looked up from his file, looked down, and froze almost comically. Slowly, his gaze lifted to her again, his eyes wide and mouth hanging slightly open. Hiding her grin, she sat and drew her chair closer, leaning in to give him a good view of her cleavage which his eyes latched onto.

"Is that orange juice?" She asked innocently, reaching for the jar of liquid. No response came and she had to bite down on her lip to refrain from laughing. She looked at him seeing his gaze firmly fixed on her breasts, and she smiled. "Kaiden?"

Just realizing she was speaking, he blinked and looked at her, then her cleavage, then her face. He cleared his throat and placed the file on the table. "Sorry, just reading through some... things."

She nodded and returned to her empty plate, her mouth salivating at the colorful spread of food on the table, picked up her fork, and quickly filled her plate with some pancakes, berries, and honey. Deciding to make light conversation to avoid the unnerving silence she exhaled as she cut into her pancake. "It's chilly for summer isn't it?"

Kaiden intent on keeping his gaze on the wine of glass beside him hummed as he placed his napkin on his lap. "The evening chill is usual in this part of Vegas."

"You've been here before?"

He finally looked up at her, for a second and looked back to his plate, like her grabbed pancakes and a slice of butter. His lips turned up at the corners. "Yes, for both business and... pleasure." He drawled out the last word, making eye contact as he slowly took the piece of pancake into his mouth. Ella squeezed her legs under the table. "I take it this is your first time."

She blinked, clearing the image of his beautiful tongue from her mind, and returned her gaze to the mouth-watering spread before her, even though there was an object seating across her that made both her lips water. "I haven't done a lot of exploring in my life."

"That's okay," He sipped from his wine his smile catching her off guard. "you have me." Dang, those damn butterflies. "If you plan to work with me for a long time, exploring won't be a problem."

There it was, that mischievous glint paired with that adorable smile. Her heart was pounding against her ribcage and she feared if she continued to look at him, she might combust. Suddenly, the pancakes had lost their appeal. Now she had a hunger for only one thing.

She licked her lips, drinking from her glass, not stopping till it was empty. She set it down and exhaled, wiping her lips with her napkin. Kaiden looked amused. "You seem parched."

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