29. Inferno

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She glanced at the clock again, then at Kaiden who was answering a phone call. He was standing by the window, free hand in his pocket, blazer and tie discarded, his first two buttons undone.

Whoever he was talking with on the phone seemed friendly, seeing as he was smiling, and laughing a little. She had tried to understand what he was saying the first two minutes of the call, until she realized he wasn't speaking English.
She had to admit, she'd never been one to get turned on by guys speaking different languages. Nick could speak French she recalled grimly, and it had never done anything for her whenever he did.

But all Kaiden had to do was say three syllable word and she'd be ready to bend over and let him have his way with her. Then again, French and Italian were very different languages... right?

"What are you thinking about?" She blinked, her gaze refocusing on Kaiden still standing by the window. He was done with his phone call and had turned to fully face her, both hands in his pocket. His head tilted as he watched her closely.
"Umm... I was just looking at the clock. Today went by pretty fast." Wow, she could high five herself right now. She'd managed to reply without tripping over her words or biting her tongue. Kudos, Ella, kudos.

He nodded, glancing at the mentioned object to his left. "Hmm, you're right. The universe must sense my eagerness." He faced her again. "Are you tired?"
She frowned, taken aback, where was that coming from. Unsure of what to do, she replied. "No, no I'm not."

He nodded. "I like your outfit today." As her face turned undoubtably red with embarrassment, Kaiden advanced towards her. He stopped when he was beside her desk before offering her his hand. Ella watched it, confused, then slowly and carefully placed her small hands in his. Kaiden smiled at that, then without warning he pulled her towards him, causing her to fall into him. He wrapped his hands around her, pulling her closer. He had his attention on her hair as his hand played with the loose curls slowly. "You're a beautiful woman, Annabella." He wrapped it around his finger, leaning closer to her. "But with your hair down," Sharply his gaze zeroed on hers and she gasped slightly. "you look," He smirked. "ravishing."

Once again, she felt herself getting pulled deeper and deeper into this man's words. She needed to have an upper hand, it wouldn't do to always fall into his arms at every breath he releases. She was better than that.

Smiling, she grabbed his arms around her, pulling them off gently, mentally high fiving herself when his eyes widened as a surprise look claimed his face. Taking five steps away from him, she fluffed her hair and crossed her arms, slowly tilting her hips slightly. She watched him, watched his expression soften as his eyes lit up. Did he like that?

Not wanting to break character, she tilted her head. "Did you just sexualize me?"
Kaiden smirked, sitting on her desk. He crossed his arms. "Why would I do that? You're not an object."
She tried to keep her cool, not wanting to show how much that sentence made her feel. Instead, she looked away, at the window and the city lights below. "I thought about what you said, and there are a few things that I would like to clear up before I say anything else."

He nodded. "Fire away."

Mentally, she opened the list, the list in her head where she'd written everything she wanted to ask him. Because if she hadn't, she knew she would end up mumbling words even she won't be able to answer.
"When did you start liking me?"

Kaiden smiled, as if he expected the question. "I think I liked you the moment you hoped I'd choke on a croissant." He chuckled when her face turned red.

Ella nodded, trying to keep a brave face, and hide the fact that her fingers were digging sharply into her hands so she would be sure she wasn't dreaming.
"Okay, that was easy. Why do you like me?"

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