42: The Right Answer

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Not the regular update date, but I feel you guys deserve it. It's been so long anyway😘

Word count: 2344


No words had been exchanged on the ride back home. Kaiden's attention fixed on the road as he maneuvered through the midnight traffic, and in thirty minutes, they were parked in front of the hotel.

She'd spent the rest of her time after their conversation -if you could call it that- at the bar writing up the words she wanted to say, laying them out in perfect cursive writing on the blank sheet that was her mind.
But as they both walked up the stairs making their way to the elevators, her eyes fixed on his slumped shoulders, she watched those perfect cursive words scramble into a pile of shredded nonsense.

As they stepped into the elevator, she glanced at Kaiden again, unable to stop herself, taking in his tired eyes, and tired demeanor. He looked exhausted, and it wasn't just from the events of the day.

Had she been too harsh with her words? Maybe she was. He was just a man, being very open about his feelings, feelings he had for her. Most women would jump at the opportunity to have a man who openly declared his feelings for them, not minding the risk of getting his heart broken. Then again, Kaiden wasn't like most men... no he wasn't.

She had never come across someone like him. She didn't even know they still made men like him. Alex called them 'men written by women.' Meaning, men of ethereal beauty, charming persona, respectful, kind, and obviously, romantic.

Well, Kaiden had that all to a perfect T. And he wanted her. She was broken, and if he learned about the past she was trying so hard to keep behind her, would he see her the same way; beautiful, sweet Ella? She doubted it. However, she owed it to him to give him the benefit of the doubt. So for a moment, she imagined they lived in a perfect world, where people weren't judged for their past decisions, where she was just a girl who'd fallen in love, blindly, with nothing to catch her, and had paid the price for her choices. Harsh prices, yet she'd paid, in full.

Again she looked at him, not a glance, but really looked at him. And like it always did when he was near her, the butterflies soared, as did her heart, making her feel light-headed and strangely warm. As if sensing her eyes on him, Kaiden faced her. His face showed no emotion, but his eyes told her everything she needed to know.

So to answer her question, she strongly believed Kaiden would stay with her despite her history. And that in itself was reassuring, and that scrambled nonsense assembled again into the perfect cursive words she'd written.

The doors opened as the elevator stopped, and Kaiden gestured for her to step out first, following closely behind her when she did.

Okay, it was now or never, Ella. Just say the words and free yourself from this torture.

"Our flight's for ten in the morning, you should get some sleep now if you want to be up early."

"Oh, okay." She mumbled slowly.
She blinked repeatedly, frozen to the spot, waiting for him to say something, anything that could start up a conversation so she could bring up the elephant in the room.

Nodding, he pushed open his room door barely looking at her when he bid her goodnight before he walked through closing it softly behind him.

Well, that was a total bust.

Frowning, she went into her room, closed the door, and dragged herself to her bed, where she fell like a sack of potatoes on the soft mattress with its many springs.

Tomorrow morning, she would tell him everything. But for now, she would sleep, and enjoy her last night in Vegas.

She couldn't sleep.

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