17. Jamie

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Did I say two? ;) 


Dazed from the day's events, Ella stood in the elevator leading to the floor of her apartment with a smile on her lips.

Spotting her reflection through the metallic doors, she cringed. If things continued like this she would go crazy before she knows it.

To say she didn't know what to feel for Kaiden was an understatement.

Was it purely sexual, or something more?

She shook her head. Couldn't be something more, she'd promised herself never to go down that destructive path again. God knows her last relationship had less than find memories.

She touched the locket, a reflex now, to feel comfort.

There was no way she was falling for Kaiden Blaq. Not when she'd lost her heart a long time ago.

Which meant only one thing: her feelings were purely sexual. And she had to get them in check, ASAP.

She groaned, how was she supposed to do that? Working as his PA was hard enough, now she had to work in the same room as him. She could only count down the days till when she'll be out of there. Then she'd distance herself as far away from him as possible.

The elevator pinged as the doors opened and Ella rotated her legs. Their apartment was on the very first floor, she had no idea why but Alex had a thing for heights.

Stretching her neck, she felt her strained muscles. God, she needed a massage. At the popping sound from her actions she realized, she needed more than a massage.

Reaching their apartment door she pulled out her key and turned the lock, opening the door complete silence met her. Odd. The only way the apartment would be quiet at this time was if Alex wasn't home -she had a knack for playing music at the highest volume- which Ella knew she was when she spotted her leather jacket on the coat rack. She never went to work without it.

"Alex!" She called out. "Are you in? Please warn me if you have some naked stranger, so I can cover my eyes fast enough."

Still no reply.

She walked further into the apartment and switched on the kitchen lights, opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.

She heard footsteps behind her and turned around only to come face to face with the less than pleased look on her best friend's face.

She frowned. "Hey, you okay? You don't look good." The scowl on Alex's face deepened. Ella's eyes widened comically. "Is there a guy in there?" She lowered her voice and pointed to the direction of Alex's room.

Alex groaned and sat on the stool. "Trust me, not one I want."

Ella frowned but before she could question Alex further, the door to their spare room opened and Ella watched the male figure stroll out. Her eyes widened as a look of absolute surprise came upon her face.

"Hey muffin."

Ella took a moment to organize her thoughts, blinking to know if he was actually there. When she opened her eyes and he was still standing there, blonde hair perfectly coiffed and lopsided grin in place, she realized she wasn't hallucinating.

"Jamie!" She squealed and ran for him, jumping into his arms with so much force she was surprised he didn't fall over. His arms circled her, never losing the ability to make her feel small he lifted her in the air like she weighed nothing.

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