19. Not Every Lady

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Ella watched the nurse leave and sighed heavily.

Well, she had sprained her ankle, it wasn't so serious but she had received instructions from the doctor to be careful or else it could become worse. So, for the next three days she wasn't allowed to put any pressure on her leg.

She sighed again, inspecting the neatly bandaged ankle. She didn't feel anymore pain since the first thing the doctor had done when they got here was administer some painkillers.

The curtain drew open and Ella sat up at the sight of Kaiden. His dress shirt had become rumpled and his hair disheveled, he looked wild. Yet it suited him. Hell, the man could wear a trash bag and still look good. He had a paper bag and a bottle of water in hand.

Dropping the bag on the table he opened the bottle and walked towards her. As he got closer, Ella edged away, she couldn't stand being too close to him right now. The painkiller was making her a little light headed, and she didn't do well when she was disoriented.

Despite her shuffling there was only so far she could get on the tiny hospital bed.

Kaiden watched her with an amused look and a lifted eyebrow, yet he never stopped moving closer. When he was closer enough, so closer their knees were touching, he brought the water bottle closer to her lips. "Open." He said in a low husky voice.

Ella blinked, then clenched her fist as she felt a hot wave of arousal rush through her. God, she wanted nothing more than to jump the man, and open more than her lips for him. She shook her head, trying to clear all illicit thoughts, but the act only made her dizzy and she felt her body tilt to the side, but just before she touched the bed, a firm hand gripped her, steadying her.

"Take it easy," Kaiden chided as he helped her sit straight. He had come closer now, his legs had enclosed hers. But that wasn't what made Ella's heartbeat heighten, it was his roughened palm on her cheek, and his eyes keenly staring at her. His tongue dashed out to wet his lips, and Ella almost moaned at the sight.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, she tried to convince herself it wasn't her fault she was so aroused... it was the drugs. Medication and alcohol had that effect on her. God knows how many mistakes she'd made under the influence of alcohol.

A light shiver brought her back to reality. The reality where Kaiden Blaq, her boss, someone she claimed to hate, yet for some reason couldn't stop dreaming of him had her in his hold, and she didn't want to leave.

"You're dehydrated," He nudged the water bottle again. "you need to drink something."

She swallowed. Was he doing this on purpose or was she merely imagining it all?

Well, whichever it was. It wasn't good for her; he wasn't good for her.

She took the water bottle from him, not missing the slight look of surprise that flashed in his eyes. She drank from it, not stopping until every drop of liquid was gone from the bottle. When she was done, she placed the bottle on the table and faced Kaiden. The look of surprise was gone, and in its place was that mischievous glint she had accustomed to him.

His lips lifted in a slight smirk; he handed her the paper bag. "Your prescription." Ella nodded, not trusting her voice now. "The doctor also said you're free to go."

Not waiting for a reply, he dialed a number and put his phone to his ear instructing John to bring the car around. When he was done, he pocketed his phone and grabbed his jacket. "We should get going." He held out his hand and Ella stared confused at it. "You're supposed to grab it."

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