Chapter 1: The Long Airplane Ride

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Kai and Aichi where running down the isle when a thought hit them 'Where are we going for our honeymoon?'. Kai and Aichi finished running down the isle then looked at each other. Aichi spoke up and asked "Where are we going for our honeymoon Kai?" Kai looked at Aichi "I don't know where do you want to go?" Aichi thought for a minute "Well I want to go to two places.?" Kai smiled "And where/what might they be?" Aichi looked down "America and Paris, France." Kai's smile grew "Ok then let's go.!" Aichi looked at Kai "Really your/we're going to two different places for our honeymoon?" Kai looked at Aichi "Isn't that what you want.?" Aichi blushed "Yes." Kai smiled "Then that's what you'll get." Aichi smiled as they walked out of the church and got into the cab. After about 30 minutes of driving the driver stopped at the airport and let them out. When they got out they got their tickets and boarded plane. When the plane took off Aichi tried to think of things to do on the long ride to Paris (their first destination). Aichi tried drawing, but ended up failing miserably. Then Aichi tried playing a game on his phone, but it just got annoying. Then Aichi tried to read a book, but it ended up being boring. Aichi looked at Kai who was just looking out the window listening to music. He gave Kai the 'What can I do to entertain myself' look, but gave up when he realized Kai wasn't looking at him. Kai saw Aichi turn away from him and wanted to know if something was wrong with him "Aichi are you okay?" Aichi looked at Kai "No, I can't find anything to do and I'm boorreedd.!" Kai looked at Aichi and smiled "Your so cute when your frustrated." Aichi looked at Kai and pouted "No I'm not.!" Kai looked at him "Yes you are. Anyway want to card fight? I'll let you listen to my music too if you want.?" Aichi smiled "Yes on both of those.!" Kai smiled and got out his deck and a table that was in between the seats. Aichi got out his deck and put on a pair of headphones and listened to the music with Kai. After they were all set they started their fight. On about the sixth turn Kai gave Aichi his sixth damage. Aichi smiled/pouted "Yay, you beat me.!" Kai looked at Aichi "What don't give me that cute face. I can't help the outcome of our battle." Aichi looked at Kai "For the last time I'm not cute!!!" Kai grinned "Y...e...s y...o...u a...r...e." Aichi just looked away and pouted. Kai's grin grew "What's the matter Aichi, why are you pouting? Please don't be mad at me, I love you." Aichi looked at Kai and couldn't help, but smile. He scooted over and sat in Kai's lap "So Kai-kun whatcha want to do in Paris." Kai smiled "Well first I want to check into our hotel, then go see the Eiffel Tower, and maybe go eat at one of those fancy restaurants they have. What do you want to do when we get to Paris Aichi?" Aichi smiled "Pretty much all that, except I want to see the museums and the beautiful clothing and scenery they have there." Kai smiled "Well then we'll do that." Aichi smiled and laid his head down on Kai's shoulder "Well now what do we do I'm hungry.? Since we talked about food I became hungry." as soon as Aichi said that an airplane flight attendant walked u to them and asked "Can I get you two something to drink or eat?" Aichi shot his head up "Yes, please I'm starving." Kai just nodded his head yes. She smiled "Well what can I get you two find gentlemen today?" Aichi said "Can I have one of those fruit salads and a piece of cake too?" the woman smiled "Sure thing you little cutie. I'll get you anything you want." Aichi smiled and got off Kai's lap "Thank you. Umm can you get me some ice cream and a choclate milk too?" she smiled "Yes, I can, and you can call me Angle by the way I'll be your flight attendant today." Aichi smiled "Thank you Angle." Angle smiled and turned her attention to Kai "What can I get you today sir?" Kai just looked at her and said "A water." Angle's smile faded a little, but then brightened up "Ok I'll be right back with those." Aichi smiled and said "Thanks." Angle smiled and went to go get their order. About 5 minutes later she comes back with a tray full of food. It had ice cream, cake, a fruit salad, choclate milk, and a water. Aichi smiled "Thank you so much Angle. I really do appreciate you doing this for me." Angle smiled at Aichi "No problem, I'd do anything for a cute little thing like you, and it's also my job." Aichi's smile grew "And your really good at it to." Angle smiled at Aichi "Thank you, I'm glad you think so." After Angle was done with Aichi's stuff she handed Kai his drink. Kai looked at it and said "Thanks." Angle smiled then went back to talking to Aichi. After a while of Aichi and Angle talking Kai got jealous and pulled Aichi in his lap. Aichi resisted for a few moments then calmed down and let Kai pull him the rest of the way. Kai looked at Aichi and began to play with his hair. Aichi looked at Kai and saw clear as day what Kai was thinking 'I really want you to stop talking to her, she's getting on my nerves.' Aichi frowned and then smiled "Well anyway Angle I better let you get back to your job. Thanks for talking to me and giving me this stuff." Angle smiled and said "Yeah I better get back, and no problem just call me of you need anything." Aichi nodded his head in agreement and she left. When she was fully out of sight Aichi looked at Kai and said "Were you jealous of Angle?" Kai looked away "No." Aichi smile "Yes you were you were mad, because I was talking to her." Kai shook his head 'Nope' Aichi rolled his eyes and looked out the window. When he looked out the window he saw Paris, France underneath him Aichi smiled as the pilot announced "We will now be landing in Paris, France. Please take your seats and wait for me to notify when we are fully landed.?"  Aichi smiled and got from Kai's lap into his seat and waited for the pilot's next instructions. After they were fully landed Kai and Aichi got off and headed for their hotel. 

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