Chapter 27:Psycalia Returns

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As the sun arose high in the sky Aichi and Aichian began to feel ill. They became dizzy and felt nauseous soon fainting into Kai and Miwa's arms. Kai looked at Miwa with a serious expression "Just before Aichi fainted he gave me a message. His qsycalia is back which means Aichian now has it to. We need to hurry and get them to Yakut he'll know what to do." Miwa nodded getting the information from Kai's eyes as they spoke every word. Aichian and Aichian were rushed to the Tasunagi Building by their lover's arms. As soon as they entered Kai and Miwa had eyes staring at them widening when they saw the two being carried. Aichian's friends rushed to her aid along with Aichian both being carried and put on the couch. Takuto examined the two concerned "What has brought these two to be like this?" Kai sighed "The Psycalia has returned to Aichi and has come to Aichian." Takuto smiled "Good." Kai glared at Takuto confused "How is this good?!" Takuto looked at Kai in the eyes "This time it's different. They're powers will return but it won't corrupt them it'll aid them in times of need. Please Mr.Toshiki and Mr.Tashi be patient." Both Kai And Miwa looked at the two "Are you sure it's okay?" Takuto smiled "I'm positive! They will only have a few dizzy spells and pain." Kai nodded a little sad. Miwa looked at Takuto "May we bring them to our rooms?" Takuto nodded. Kai smiled as he scooped Aichi up and slowly carried him to the room his sister had requested for them to stay in. Kai felt helpless ,like Miwa, and even though both Aichi And Aichian would say different he knew he could do nothing. All he could do was watch and it killed him inside. It was only the sound of Aichi's voice that brought him back "Kai-kun.....K-kai-kun where are we?" Kai smiles at the small frail boy "We're in the Tasunagi Building. I brought you to Takuto like you asked me too." Aichi smiled "Thank you Kai-kun. Arigato!" Kai smiled only to be caught off guard by a kiss from Aichi. They deepened the kiss and stayed like that for at least 35 minutes. Kai broke the kiss "So what did Blaster Blade say?" Aichi was shocked "How'd you know?" "He's your avatar of course he would speak to you in this time of need. Plus your face said it all." Kai laughed as he answered the question. Aichi sighed "Well apparently I'm to readable. " Kai smiled "Only with me. So are you going to tell me what he said?" Aichi nodded "He said Cray is in grave danger and that we need to save it that is why our power has returned. We must hurry!" Kai nodded and walked with Aichi down stairs as for he and Aichian had to begin their training. Ren and Leon looked at the two saddened by the fact that Aichi and Aichian were in so much pain. They looked at Takuto begging him what to do "The only way to help is a kiss. You must kiss them." Kai and Miwa glared at the two and then sighed as they looked at Aichi and Aichian. Aichi and Aichian screamed in pain and the silent Chris walked over to Aichian and kissed her. Ren was shocked but soon followed. Both finished giving apologetic looks to the two's lovers and then walked away. Aichi and Aichian smiled as the pain vanished. They ran and gave Ren, Leon, and Chris a hug thanking them "Arigato Ren-chan, Leon-san, and Chris-sama!!!" The three smiled and nodded as the hug released. Aichi and Aichian smiled then ran to Kai and Miwa "We love you so much!!!" the two finished off after kissing their lover's. Kai and Miwa smiled "We love you too!!!" Everyone was happy again but it would never be the same....

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!! I can't wait for the next update! I love you guys so much and are happy to be the author of these book!!! So until next time. Bye bye and please enjoy.

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