Chapter 15: A Triple Date

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After Aichi and Kai were finally settled in their new house Aichi got a phone call from Aichian (phone call below):
Aichi: Hello?
Aichian: Hey Aichi, I have a question for you and Kai?
Aichi: Yeah?
Aichian: I was wondering if y'all would like to go on a triple date with me, Miwa, my friend, and her boyfriend?
Aichi: Sure, I was just talking to Kai about going on a date when we were on the airplane the other day.
Aichian: Great! Just tell me when y'all are ready to go shopping for our outfits and I'll send Miwa to go with Kai.
Aichi: Ok I'll text when I'm ready I just need to go tell Kai about the plan.
Aichian: K see you soon. Love you
Aichi: Love you too. Bye
Aichian: Bye.
After Aichi hung up the phone he looked at Kai "Hey Kai remember when we were on the plane and I asked you if we could go on a date soon?" Kai looked at Aichi and nodded "Yeah, why?" Aichi slowly got up and walked over to Kai (he was in the Kitchen washing dishes) "Well Aichian just called and she wanted to know if we could go on a triple date with her, Miwa, her friend, and her friend's boyfriend." Kai stopped washing dishes and turned to Aichi "What did you tell Aichian?" Aichi looked away from Kai "What do you mean?" Kai sighed "I know you already told her an answer so what did you tell her?" Aichi gave Kai a nervous smile Kai sighed "Let me guess you told her yes and then told her that you'd let me know?" Aichi nodded "Yeah, but look everyone who's going is taken so you don't have to be so protective. And you and Miwa are going to go shopping while me, Aichian, and her friend go shopping." Kai looked at Aichi with a glare "Is this friend a male or female?" Aichi playfully rolled his eyes at Kai "It's a girl and she has a BOYFRIEND Kai." Kai sighed a relief "Well I'm just making sure. You know how much I dislike people flirting with you." Aichi smiled as he looked at to Kai to let him jump in his arms. Kai nodded and Aichi jumped into Kai's arms "I know that your very protective that's why I like bringing you places. You always know how to make the people flirting with me go away. You also are the perfect husband so." Kai smirked "Well you know it's a gift." Aichi playfully rolled his eyes and put his forehead against Kai's "Yeah I know. But I also have a gift." Kai raised an eyebrow "And what is that?" Aichi smirked "I can make you do what ever I want you to." Kai smiled "That's very true. I will do anything you want me too." Aichi leaned down and kissed Kai as he smiled. Kai smirked as he gently put Aichi down "Ok now let's go get the others and go shopping." Aichi smiled as he jumped up and down "Yay, shopping!" Kai rolled his eyes as he watched Aichi walked towards the Tasunagi Building (Aichi told Kai to wait for Miwa at their house). On the way there Aichi texted Aichian to let her know he was on his way to Tasunagi Building and Miwa needed to go join Kai at their house. When he passed Miwa he smiled and waved to Miwa. Miwa smiled back with a depressed look "So Kai's at y'all's house?" Aichi nodded as he realized the depressed look was caused by Miwa having to go away from Aichian "Yep he's waiting for you." Miwa nodded and walked towards their house while Aichi walked towards the Tasunagi Building. When he finally got there he rang the doorbell and waited for the door to be answered. After a few minutes the door opened to reveal Aichian. Aichian gave Aichi a big hug as she missed him so much. Aichian turned to look at her friend. Aichi looked at the girl she had blonde hair with blue eyes. Aichian smiled at her brother "Aichi this is Kenzie my friend, and Kenzie this is Aichi my brother." Kenzie smiled as her eyes lit up "Hi I'm Kenzie, I've heard so many things about you." Aichi looked at Aichian with a terrified look "I hope they were good things." Kenzie nodded "They were! Now that the introductions are over let's go to the studio and pick out the perfect outfits." Aichi and Aichian nodded as they walked out of the building to the studio. When they got to the studio Aichi and Aichian we're amazed at how beautiful and big it was. They watched as tons of famous models walked by them as they headed back stage. As Aichian and Kenzie walked up to the dresses Aichi walked up to the tuxedos. Over on Kai and Miwa's side they were at a tuxedos store and we're searching through hundreds of suits. Finally Miwa and Kai decided on two black tucks with one blue tie and one black tie. After they were finished they headed to the Tasunagi Building to wait. Aichi, Aichian, and Kenzie tried on hundreds of outfits until they finally decided on two identical dresses with one blue and the other purple (they were also short) and a black tux that had a red tie. When they were satisfied they walked out of the studio and hopped into a limo that took them to the Tasunagi Building. As they got out of the Limo they watched as Kai and Miwa arrived looking handsome in their black tuxedos. Kenzie smiled as she turned to look in the opposite direction of the two. She saw a guy with short black hair cut into an undercut and gray eyes that made her heart soar. Everyone looked in the direction Kenzie was starring and watched as a guy in a black tux with a green tie walk up to her. Kenzie smiled at the guy "Levi you made it!" Kai looked at the guy with a sudden death glare and wrapped Aichi in his arms. Miwa looked at Kenzie then back at Levi (who had turned to look at the glaring Kai) Miwa knew that Levi had to be Kenzie's boyfriend and smiled. Aichian looked at Kai and sighed "Kai this is Levi, Kenzie's BOYFRIEND." Kai looked at him and slowly released Aichi "Just know Aichi's mine." Levi nodded " Just so you know my heart belongs to Kenzie and Kenzie alone. So I wouldn't want to take Aichi. No offense Aichi." Aichi smiled "None taken. I'm Kai-kun's and Kai-kun's alone." Levi turned to Kenzie and placed a kiss on her cheek "Shall we go?" Kenzie nodded and waved for everyone to follow. When they arrived at the restaurant they sat down at a table a d waited for their waitress. After about a minute they waitress showed up and began to take orders. When she got to Aichi she made the biggest mistake alive. She started to flirt with him "Hey sweetheart what can I get you?" Aichi smiled nervously "I'll take a Coke and a contry fried steak if you don't mind?" The waitress smiled "No problem at all sweetie. I'll be right back with your order." Kai glared at the women as she walked away slowly planning all the ways he could kill her and hide the body. As the waitress came back she gave everyone their drinks and food. She looked at Aichi with sweet loving eyes and Kai decided he'd had enough. He got up and protectively wrapped his arms around Aichi "Aichi is mine and mine alone! So BACK OFF or YOU WILL DIE! Got it!" The waitress nodded and quickly walked off scared for her life. As Kenzie watched she started to fan girl. She loved the fact that she got to see a real life Yoai ship come true. As Kenzie finished her fangirling Kai sat down and at his food. When dinner was over Kai quickly picked up Aichi and said "We'll be in the limo waiting for y'all. I can't handle seeing that waitress flirt with my Aichi." Aichian nodded as she called for the check. Kai and Aichi sat in the limo patiently waiting for the others. Aichi looked at Kai and smiled "Kai-kun?" Kai looked at Aichi "Yes?" "Are you mad at me?" Kai was astonished at the question "Why would I be mad at you?" Aichi started twiddling his thumbs "Well I didn't stop the waitress from flirting with me?" Kai smiled and took Aichi's hands "Listen Aichi I saw in your eyes that you were trying to find away to tell her to back off with out hurting her feelings. I know that you tried and plus it's my job to protect you not vise versa." Aichi smiled "Well as long as your not mad at me then I'm ok." Kai smiled "Come here Aichi." Kai gently pulled Aichi into his lap and rapped his arms around him. He gently put his head on Aichi's shoulder and enjoyed the boys sweet smell "I love you my Aichi." Aichi smiled "I love you my Kai-kun." As they sat there the others finally got in the limo and looked at Kai "Kai do you know how hard it was to chase down that waitress?" Kai lifted his head "No why?" Aichian rolled her eyes "It was hard. You scared her to death. She wouldn't even look in our direction she was scared so bad. We finally found her and stopped her from running. You gave the poor girl a heart attack." Kai just shrugged his shoulders "Well she messed with my Aichi." Everyone just shook their heads and told the driver to take them home. While on the way Miwa asked everyone if they wanted to through a party at the arena Aichian preformed at. Everyone agreed and smiled. As the driver dropped them off at the Tasunagi Building Aichi and Kai walked up to their bed room (that Aichian requested for them) and crawled into bed. They gently turned the lights off and fell into a deep slumber, for tomorrow they were throwing a party.

Sorry for the late updates on this book I sort of had writer's block and couldn't think of any ideas. Also if you've read my other books you know that I don't have internet at the moment and have to use my data. I'll try to update as much as possible and get these chapters to you. Also if you've read my other books you know I'm open to suggestions weather it's the way I write things to another story. Anyway until next time. Bye bye.

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