Chapter 25: Aichi's Search

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Kai walked out if the apartment and onto the street. Looking behind him only to see Ren playing with the blue kitten. Kai wanted to yell at the at the red head, but decided against it. He didn't like this at all he'd already lost Aichi once when he locked himself on the moon and he swore he would never lose his beloved Aichi again. Kai swore this guy was going to get what he deserved as soon as he finds Aichi. Kai and Ren finally met up with the others and made the plan for the search they named it "Aichi's Search". Kai liked the name and the plan was great. Misaki and Chris were to locate Aichi's whereabouts. Noaki and Kamui were to distract the bully and Kai and Ren were to get Aichi out of there and then after Kai could do as he pleased with the bully. Everybody quickly got to work. After about 2 hours Aichi was located and Noaki, Kamui, Ren, and Kai were ready for it. Miwa and Kamui knocked on the door with a pizza in hand and costumes to match the part. They waited patiently for the door to open and after a few minutes it did. The Bully opened the door and looked confused "Hello? How may I help you?" Noaki grinned sheepishly "We're here to deliver your pizza!" the bully was confused "I didn't order a pizza." Kamui made a confused face "But right here it says delivery to this address see." Kamui shows the guy the paper receipt. The Bully was shocked and turned to glare at Aichi "Oh I'm sorry I guess my BOYFRIEND must have ordered it sorry." Kamui smiled but on the inside he glared and knew what he had to do "Oh so your not straight?" The Bully nodded "No. Why?" Kamui gave the most gay perverted look and Noaki caught on. While Noaki and Kamui distracted the bully Kai and Ren were sneaking in. They quickly found Aichi only in time for Kai to hear the bully say "I guess MY BOYFRIEND must have ordered it." Kai grew angry and made Ren take Aichi. Aichi protested worried about Kai, but Kai gave Aichi a look that made Aichi stop his protest and leave peacfully. Kamui and Noaki both flirted with the guy knowing that later they would have to explain. They saw Aichi and Ren leave and decided to give it up "So can we-" the bully was aggravated "Listen I'm in love with my BOYFRIEND so leave and keep the d*** pizza to!!!" Kamui and Noaki faked a pout and left looking sad. The Bully was finally relieved and went back to "Aichi". When he got there he saw nothing more than a brunette waiting for him "Who in the h*** are you?" Kai smirked "Oh I'm sorry I thought that I was your "boyfriend's" husband, but turns out I'm your worst night mare! You should have left my Aichi alone. You should have stayed away from him. Now you WILL LEARN HOW IT FEELS TO BE BULLIED!!!!!" After Kai finished his sentence he stood up making the bully cower in fear. Kai beat the bully leaving him in the shape Aichi was in when they first met. The Bully only said a few words to Kai before passing out "I'll never harm Aichi again." Kai satisfied quickly rushed to go see where Aichi was and check him for harm. Kai finally found Aichi and smiled seeing no harm to his beloved. Kai looked at Aichi seriously glaring "You said that I couldn't come find you as long as I was happy, but you know d*** well that with out you I'll never be happy. Don't you EVER say THAT AGAIN. Got me?" Aichi nodded as tears streamed down his face "I'm sorry Kai-kun." Kai smiled and held his beloved tight "It's okay my sweet little blueberry your safe now and that's all that matters. He will never ever harm you or take you again." Aichi smiled and dug into Kai's chest "I love you Kai-kun." Kai smiled "I love you too Aichi." With that the two kissed and went home to enjoy their time together.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter sorry for the long wait but here it is. Also please comment below if you want a Q&A after every chapter for the characters. I will do my best to make it happen. I can't wait to see you in the next chapter. Until next time. Bye bye

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