Chapter 16: A Party

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As Aichi rolled over he found himself facing Kai. He smiled as he stared at his beautiful husbands face. After a few minutes Aichi gently turned back around just in time to hear "BREAKFAST IS READY!" Aichi felt Kai spring out of bed and run downstairs. Aichi groaned as he walked downstairs to find Kai sitting at the table stuffing his plate full of food. Aichi gently sat down and waited for everyone else. He watched as Takuto, Suiko, Kourin, Recca, Kenzie, and Levi ran down the steps. They all quickly sat down as they started filling their plates with the buffets food as well (there was eggs, pancakes, toast, bacon, cupcakes, doughnuts, and fruit along with orange juice, tea, coffee, milk, syrup, and butter). Aichi watched as Aichian and Miwa walked out of the kitchen and sat down. They looked at everyone as they all waited for the command "Ok everyone dig in!" Aichi and everyone else began to eat. Aichi watched as Takuto paused from eating "Aichian this is your cooking not the maids, correct?" Aichian nodded "Yes and also Takuto I would like to invite you, Kourin, Suiko, and Recca to our party tonight." Takuto smiled "We would be happy to attend." The whole time they were talking Aichi could see Kenzie's confused face. Aichi watched as Aichian turned to her friend and suddenly her eyes lit up "Oh Takuto one more thing this is my friend Kenzie and her boyfriend Levi. Kenzie this is Takuto he's our manager and those are Kourin, Recca, and Suiko they are the other members of Ultra Rare." Kenzie smiled "Nice to meet y'all." Takuto and the others smiled "Same to you." As everyone finished breakfast they hurried up stairs to get dressed. Once they were ready the boy's hurried down stairs to wait for their laddies (well besides of Kai, Takuto, and Aichi). As the boy's heard foot steps they turned to see six beautiful ladies. The girls walked elegantly down the stairs in numbers (3 first, 2 second, and 1 third). The first 3 who walked down were Kourin (Who wore a green dress with silver earrings and heels), Recca (who wore a pinkish dress with silver earrings and heels), and Suiko (who wore a blue dress with black heels and earrings). The second pair was Scarlet (who wore a red dress with silver earrings and heels) and Kenzie (who wore a purple dress with silver earrings and heels). Last was Aichian (who wore a peach colored dress with silver earrings and heels). (Pics Below)

Aichi watched Miwa's face turn from a stern to almost drooling

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Aichi watched Miwa's face turn from a stern to almost drooling. Aichi giggled at his friend but agreed that his sister looked very beautiful in her outfit. He was proud of how far his sister has come and was happy that she was finally settled in. Aichi looked at Kai who smiled at him. Kai looked at Aichi's smiling face and thought 'How'd I get so lucky?'. He leaned down and planted a kiss on Aichi's forehead smiling at his one true love. As Aichi and Kai turned back to look at everyone they saw Miwa bow to Aichian asking to escort her. Kai began to smirk at how his friend was acting thinking 'Oh he's so getting teased later.'. Aichi watched Aichian accept Miwa's offer and interlock arms with him. Aichi smiled and him and everyone else interlocked arms with their partner. As they headed out of the building Aichi and Kai held hands following behind the group. When they arrived at the arena Aichi and Kai watched as everyone stopped to stare at them. Aichi quickly hid behind Kai scared the people where gonna judge him. Kai gave Aichi a gentle smile letting him know they weren't gonna judge him. Aichi slowly came out from behind Kai just in time to see his sister bow "Welcome to the party! I hope everyone has a wonderful and enjoyable night. My name is Aichian Sendou and I'm here to proudly represent Ultra Rare. We are a group of Pop Idols here to make your night. So with that being said let the preformance begin!" As Aichi heard his sister's last words the lights turned off. He gasped scared of the sudden darkness. When Kai watched the lights go out he gasped scared of where Aichi was. He began to yell "Aichi! Aichi where are you?". As Aichi heard Kai's voice he smiled and yelled back "I'm here Kai-kun! I'm right here." Kai followed Aichi's voice until he grabbed onto someone "Aichi is that you?" Aichi smirked "Maybe Kai-kun, I don't know what do I look like?" As Aichi said that he saw six glowing dresses each the color of his sister and her friends (The color of the dresses they wore when they walked down stairs). He smiled as he watched them run up stairs on to the stage. Everyone cheered for them as Kourin's voice came over the speakers. Aichi smiled as he heard all his friends voices come out and sing 'Me and My Girls' (by Fifth Harmony). As the song continued he heard the different voices ring out. As they got to the course he heard all their voices harmonize. During the last part Aichi heard his sister's voice ring out ending the last verse (and song). As the song finished the lights turned on to reveal Kai holding Aichi. Kai smiled at the fact that it was Aichi he was holding (he was worried it was someone else) and held him tighter. Aichi smiled at Kai's grip tightening and melted into his arms. As Aichi and Kai sat there they heard Aichian introduce Kenzie and Scarlet and ask if the crowd/fans wanted to add them to the group. After she said that they ran of stage and off to the autograph booth. Aichi looked at Kai and smiled "I'm so proud of her. She's probably as kind hearted and determined as I am." Kai playfully sighed "Yeah your definitely to Kind hearted and determined for your own good. One day I'm gonna have to strap you down just so you don't run off to save the world by yourself." Aichi nervously smiled "Well I wouldn't do that." Kai rolled his eyes "Sure you wouldn't." Aichi huffed as he turned away from Kai a little happy that his husband knew him so well, but mad his husband was ratting him out. Aichi knew Kai was right and hated that it was true. Kai smiled at the mad Aichi "But if you ever did that I'd be right there beside you. I'm sure that Aichian, Miwa, Scarlet, Ren, Chris, Leon, Misaki, Kamui, and Takuto would love to go on an adventure to help you save the world." Aichi smiled at Kai's words and slowly turned around "I hate that you know me so well." Kai smirked "Aww but I thought you'd love that I knew you well." Aichi playfully rolled his eyes "Sure whatever you say." Kai got an idea "Fine then I guess I'm going to have to find another way to make you love me hmm maybe if I go talk to those girls they might have an idea or those guys they seem like they'd know." Aichi's ears perked up to this and he quickly turned to Kai and jumped at him "Don't you dare go talk to them!" Kai put on a confused face "Why not they look like they have some good love advice?" Aichi glared at Kai "You know why I don't want you too!" Kai still played like he was confused "Hmm I don't think so. Would you mind telling me?" Aichi glared but told Kai any way "It's because your a hot guy and those people are pretty good looking and I don't want to loose you to those people so please don't go over there. I do love that you know me well and I will always love you!" Kai smiled "I love you too and I promise that no matter who I talk to that your my only love. So I won't go talk to them. K?" Aichi smiled "K!" Kai gave Aichi a hug and then gently set him down. As soon as Aichi was fully down Aichian and the rest of her crew walked back up on stage to announce that they were doing another preformance to help everyone decided on weather or not to add Scarlet and Kenzie. Aichi smiled as he heard the beginning of one of his favorite songs 'Take It Off' (By Kesha). Kai smirked as he watched Aichi dance and sing along to the song. Kai was happy that Aichi was his and his only. As the song ended Kai walked over to a tired Aichi "Do you want a piggy back ride?" Aichi smiled "Yes please Kai-kun!" Kai bent down and let Aichi climb on his back. When Aichi was fully situated on Kai's back Kai stood up just in time for the whole crowd to start cheering for Kenzie and Scarlet (and Ultra Rare). During everyones cheers Aichi saw Aichian run off stage to Emily. Aichi watched as Aichian and Emily jumped up and down happy. As soon as they were done speaking Aichian ran back to the stage and whispered to the others. Aichi got really curious of what his sister was doing and decided he wanted to go talk to her, but before he could talk to her she began to dance with Miwa. Aichi decided that he'd figure out later and grabbed Kai's hand and dragged him to the dance floor. After dancing for about an hour Aichian announced that it was time to eat. Aichi and Kai quickly ran to the table and sat down to eat. While they were eating Kai got the greatest idea he smirked as he saw Aichi dig into his food. Kai grabbed a spoonful of his pasta and launched it at Aichi. As soon as it hits Aichi, Aichi fired back. Kai and Aichi continued throwing their food. Soon everyone joined in and they had a mega food fight. Aichi was hiding behind a table with Aichian, Scarlet, Kenzie, and a few other people. Aichi quickly jumped up and yelled "Justice will be swift! Justice will be served! It will be delicious!!!" (Sorry I just had to add this. I love RWBY especially the food fight episode!) Kai had to quickly dodged the food as it came flying at him. After Aichi's attack Kai went in for his "I hope your ready Aichi!". After the food fight was over Kai and Aichi went home, and took very long showers.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you have any requests please tell me and I'll be happy to help. Until next time. Bye bye.

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